"What is the Star Maiden afraid of? You are a conduit for the power of the Stars. The energy that created us lives inside you."

"Yet, I still hurt just the same as anyone one else."

He reached across the table and took her hands in his.

"I can't change the past. I wish I could. I really do. The careless way I handled The Purge was unforgivable, and knowing I caused that sort of pain to the one person in the universe destined to be mine alone will always weigh heavily me. What I can do is promise you I will never do anything even remotely like that again." He peered into her glossy eyes. "Do you believe me?"

"Yes, I do." She sniffed.

"Good, I'm asking you to trust me, take this leap of faith. I'm just as scared as you, hell maybe more. I'm new to this and the emotions you evoke are anything but simple. You challenge me at every turn." He snickered. "I've done more new things in the months we've known each other than the entire five years I've been on Earth. It's time."

She nodded her head.

"Okay, let's do it." He paused. It wasn't like her to give in so easily. "Really?"

"Yes, you're right. It's time. Prolonging things isn't doing anyone any good. It's time we face this thing head on. I'm grateful you gave me the time I needed to get to know the man you’ve become." She took a deep breath. "Let's go to my room and get things ready." Despite the circumstances his heart sang with joy. They were linking their life forces, powers, and minds. They rose, and she took his hand, leading him to her room. He sat down on the light blue, Duvet-covered, queen-sized bed, and tried his best not to squirm as she gathered incense, soul crystals, and diadems. She lit the cones of incense in circular, jeweled brass holders. The rich smell began to fill the air, relaxing his tense muscles.

"I've chosen purple stones to represent me and red to match your aura

." She placed the stones on the floor. "Come sit beside me." He moved off the bed and lowered himself to the ground to sit cross-legged beside her. "The Diadems represent male and female energy for us. They look similar to a crown and tiara because as we make this bond we're declaring ourselves rulers of the other's heart." She placed the feminine piece on the floor between them and picked up the one that resembled a crown. "I give you my heart for safe keeping. I bind my soul to yours for the entirety of this life. This is the vow of Rivka T'Shar." She leaned over to place the silver-colored piece of jewelry in his hair. A hum filled the air. Curling wisps of deep purple circled around her. The swirls moved from her toward him, winding around his body with a life of their own. Rivka sank back down onto her heels.

"Is this … your aura?"

"This is the very essence of who I am." Awe filled him. Water welled in his eyes. Unable to form words worthy enough to be spoken he sat up on his knees, took the diadem in his hands, and carefully leaned over to place it on her head. "I give you my heart for safe keeping. I bind my soul to yours for the entirety of this life. This is the vow of Bastien D'Shar." His body began to tingle. A hum filled the air as energy gathered in the room. He watched with child-like wonder as swirls of red teased her hair and playfully circled her body. She giggled. The stones that sat between them began to pulse. What started as flickers soon morphed into a steady light that grew brighter and brighter.

"What does that mean?"

"It means we're a very powerful match." She reached out her hands, and he took them. They both gasped. Heat rushed to his body, and he trembled under the weight of the power that coursed through him. I feel like a live wire! Red and Purple formed a wall around them, weaved together, and blended to become a beautiful deep red that reminded him of wine.

"This is it!" Rivka's breathy words brought his attention to her. The power filled her, and she glowed with golden light. She leaned her head back, and the world around them exploded in a brilliant display of color and emotions. Suddenly he was drowning in everything that was Rivka. From the trivial fact that her lucky number was forty-nine to her inner most thoughts, it was an immersion in another being perfectly suited to him. He basked in the warm sensation that took hold. It was like standing next to the sun without getting burned. Beautiful. Isn't it? The words stunned him.


Better be.

He laughed out loud.

Oh, I like this very much. He felt her smile in his head. He wasn't sure how much time had passed when they came back to reality. His body was stiff from lack of movement, and they both groaned as they stretched their legs out. What does one say after something like that?

"Wow?" Rivka suggested.

"You heard that?"

"You were practically shouting it at me."

"This is going to take some getting used to."

"We'll get better with time, and our privacy will be restored."

"How do you feel?" he asked.

"Strange…." She held her hand out, rotating the wrist experimentally. "It's like getting a new body and trying to figure things out." He felt the new wealth of power inside him, waiting to be tapped and tested. He wanted to explore his new reality; however, now wasn't the time. He stretched his arms over his head and groaned.

"I don't know about you, but that took a lot out of me. What do you say we head to the kitchen to refuel and relax?"

"I'm right there with you."

"Let's take off the Diadems first." She removed her own and walked over to her dresser where she set it inside a velvet-lined box, where his rested a few moments later. Rivka twined their fingers and lead him down the hall. Everything is different now.