"We're going to figure this thing out together, you and I." He waved his hand over her, cleaning her up before he did the same to himself. He pulled her body close, taking the opportunity to hold her while she couldn't protest, and drifted off to sleep.


Tavel was tired. He'd combed the country hunting down his children, finding clever ways to distribute his special vitamin, developed to combat their special needs. It was comical how easy human brains were to control. Amazing their genes are even compatible. His eyes opened, and he coughed. Had the introduction of the watered down genes of Charlie made him more susceptible to illness? He scowled. Forcing his achy body up into a sitting position he eased out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. He came to a stop in front of a bathroom mirror and frowned. I look awful. His face was pale, his eyes were bloodshot, and his nose was red. A cough crept up his throat, and he covered his mouth in horror. I have a cold! Tavel opened the cabinet to his right and rattled through the contents. He didn’t even own a pill for influenza, opting to take an Aspirin for the fever he could feel working its way through his body. He wanted nothing more than to go to bed. He

was in no shape for traveling right now, and he was safe here in small town North Carolina, but he knew he needed to press on making plans.

"I promised you I'd find a cure Mom, and I did. I couldn't save you, but I've managed to save myself." Tavel turned away from the mirror and shuffled out of the bathroom. He'd grab a light bite to eat, take some vitamin supplements, and walk down to the lab. Now that he'd fixed himself he'd moved on to much grander plans. There was a crown to steal and a race of people to enslave.

Chapter Twenty

Rivka frowned as she glanced around at the landscape. Why was she back at this garden? She meandered along one of the trails, taking in the plants native to Tagett. The sounds of footsteps coming up behind her made her turn. A few feet away stood the woman from her dreams.

"Why am I here?"

"To learn of what's coming."

"Who are you?"

The woman smiled. "That is a mystery you will figure out when the time is right. For now, think of me as your guide."

Rivka bit back the words of protest that hung on the tip of her tongue. What she had to see was much more important.

"You and your young man must put aside your differences and come together to create a united front. When two become one." She clasped her hands together. "Their collective powers combine and increase. You'll need it to face what's coming."

"What's coming?"

"An abomination, the likes of nothing anyone has ever seen." The woman shuddered. "You can't prevent it. The window of time for that scenario has passed. So, instead you must prepare."

"Stars! Tavel's made something, hasn't he?"

A sad expression covered the woman's face, and she nodded. "Yes, but even he has yet to realize his grievous error. His misstep will cost us all." The wind began to pick up around them. The earth beneath their feet shook.

"I must go!" What began as an aggressive breeze turned into a full out windstorm. The gusts pushed the two of them apart, and her hair whipped wildly, obscuring her sight. Tears welled in her eyes. She struggled to fight the thick mass of locks that found its way into her mouth and covered her eyes. Cold rain fell from the sky, with enough force to sting her skin. The drops became ice. She covered her head to avoid being pummeled.

Rivka's eyes shot open, and she placed a hand on her chest, relieved as she took in the sunlit room. She was back in her own time in her room. The familiar white walls had never been so beautiful. Tavel. The phone on the nightstand beside her rang. She reached over and answered.


"Is everything all right? All of a sudden I felt very uneasy," Bastien said.

"No, we need to talk. I had another vision."

"You sound shaken. Are you okay?"

"I'm unharmed, but it was very intense. The message was clear."

"Hang on," he said. "R'Shar, take over for me. I have something important I need to see to immediately." His voice boomed on the other end of the phone. She hadn't seen him in military mode since she discovered he was her mate. It was sexy as hell. Moisture dampened her panties, and she rubbed her thighs together. This is so not the time to get female morning wood.

"Sorry about that. I'll be out of here in the next five minutes, and meet you at your place."

"Okay." They hung up, and she forced her body out of the comfortable warmth of her bed. Still groggy, she stumbled into the bathroom. She waved her hands and turned the shower on with her powers. Rivka shimmied out of her nightgown and undergarment, tossing them in the hamper in the corner, and stepped beneath the spray of water that had just hit the sweet spot between too hot and lukewarm. Head tilted up to the spray, she let the water wash away the grime and the chill her dream left in its wake. If only she could solve the problem presented as easily.

Ten minutes later she was dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, a warm oversized black sweater and a pair of black Converse. It was a good thing her schedule was clear, because she and Bastien had a lot to talk about. Today hearing his voice after the dream had felt better than it should've. Regardless of the friction between them, she trusted him. He was the General, the greatest military leader they'd had in eons. He'd lead them to the victory of two wars on their planet and become a symbol of hope and strength.


It took all of his self-control not to break every driving rule known to man. He'd been in the middle of a meeting when the blood drained from his face and a yawning pit of fear opened in his stomach. He'd never been as frightened as he had in that moment when he thought Rivka was in trouble. She’d answered her phone, and relief had flooded him at the sound of her voice. She was shaken, but safe. I have to tell her. The time for keeping things to himself was past. He winced. She was not going to like the fact that he'd held back … again. By the time he parked his car outside her condo he'd run through every feasible outcome, each worse than the one before. He adjusted the collar of his t-shirt beneath his uniform and cleared his throat. Might as well go get it over with. Opening the door he stepped out and walked to her door. He knocked, and she opened the door. Her face looked drawn and worried.