"Hmm. I might."

He liked this playful side of Rivka that emerged more with the time they spent together.

"Then I won't say it." He opened the door. "Be safe."

"Of course." She stepped through, and he watched her until she got into her car. Now to get chewed out.


Phelan sank down in the chair at his desk. Have I been remiss in my duties to my family? Am I so caught up with Zasha that I’ve missed things? Does this extend to my people? He was walking a thin line, new wife, a baby on the way, and the biggest crisis he’d seen during his run as King looming over him and threatening to explode at any moment. I'm exhausted. Phelan ran a hand over his face and released a deep breath. A knock sounded on the door.

"It's me."

"Come on in, Bast."

Bastien walked in and sat down in the chair across from him. His back was rigid, his muscles were tense, and his mouth was curled down at the corners.

"I know you're waiting for me to yell at you. Trust me, I'd really like to, but it wouldn't change things, and to be honest I'm tired as hell. What I want to know is why?"

"Why did I undergo The Purge, or why didn’t I tell you about Rivka?"

"Both, in detail, please."

"I was seventeen with a lot to live up to. I didn’t believe I could do it on my own power. I needed an edge. I knew The Purge would provide that."

"How in the hell did I not see it?"

"Most of the time we spend together is in a work setting, and that doesn’t make my lack of emotion that noticeable. You have a lot on your plate, Phelan. I wouldn’t worry about it. Besides since we've been on Earth the effects have started to fade."

"Sad that it took us coming to another planet to become a close knit family."

"Agreed," Bastien said. "Rivka … she was unexpected. I passed her coming into the house when she was leaving one night, and it was like a punch to the kidneys. I'd never reacted to anyone like that. I knew it meant one of two things. She was my mate, or The Purge was fading."

"Is that why you've been hanging out with Mars so much! I thought you were trying to get yourself a girlfriend."

Bastien laughed. "After all this time?"

"Hey, I figured better late than never." Phelan shrugged.

"It was an experiment. My date, Beckey, was lovely, but there was no spark. The next time I saw Rivka a jolt of pure energy coursed through me. I didn't have any doubts after that."

"Why keep it to yourself though? We would've celebrated with you."

"Oh, there wasn't any celebrating. She was pissed, and to be honest I can't blame her. When I decided to do The Purge I made the decision for her."

"I don’t even know what to say…"

"Yeah, that was my feeling too. We're working our way through it now."

"You looked plenty cozy out in the hallway."

"We've come a long way."

"Good. No more secret keeping, Bast."

"No promises. This didn't directly affect you. I know you're used to bearing the brunt of the responsibility in the family, but it's time to let go. You have Zasha, the new baby, and this Tavel situation to deal with. We're all adults, who are very appreciative of all the things you've done for us, but ready to make our own mistakes."

The words made his chest ache. He knew they were his brothers, but in a lot of ways they felt like his children. It wasn't until recently they gained that brotherly camaraderie between them. For Kade and Mars especially he'd been a father figure for a long time. It was a hard role to step down from.