"And then you took over the military?"

"No, I studied under the current general for a few years after that. It was a tumultuous time with the death of my parents and Phelan stepping up. We didn’t want to change everything at once."

“It’s always hard taking over for someone who's been a fixture for years. Because you can’t be them and you have to find your own way to lead … fast."

He laughed.

"That's something you'd understand too, isn't it? When I spend time with you I often forget you're the Star Maiden."

"A lot of preconceived notions come with the title."

"Well, to be fair, you are cloaked in mystery."

She smirked. "Blessed with power from the stars, able to see the future, what's there to be confused about?" She winked.

"That's a very dumbed down version."

"Maybe just a little." She held her thumb and her pointer finger an inch apart. She took a sip of her water and browsed the menu they'd been brought.

"Are we splitting this one too?" she asked.

"I think we can pick our own with this."

"Good, ‘cause something caught my eye."

"Which one?"

"The filet mignon with marble potatoes, carrots and parsnip puree."

"That does sound good. I'm thinking about the roasted rack of lamb with garlic mashed potatoes and peas."


They ordered their meals when their waiter, Todd, returned. The service was impeccable, and the food was divine. Still, this was her favorite portion of the day, dessert. She had a sweet tooth she often curbed, but today was about splurging. Seated across from Bastien with the remnants of a giant slice of Key Lime and a cup of Caramel Latte in front of her, she patted her belly.

"Okay, I'm stuffed."

"You sure? ‘Cause we can order you another slice."

She moaned. "No!"

He laughed. "You did good. I'm impressed with how much you packed away."

"I'll take that as a compliment, but for future reference a lady does not like to have her eating habits referred to as packed away."

"Got it." He pushed away his plate. "I had a good time to today."

"Me too." The awkwardness that had been lacking settled in, and she could practically see the smoke coming out of his ear as he tried to figure out what to say. Imaginary crickets played tiny violins as the silence stretched between them. She visualized them in her mind, the little insects playing their tiny violins and breaking the silence that stretched between them. It always came back to his decision to undergo The Purge and the hurt the thought caused. At least I'm making an effort to get over it now. That night at Zasha and Phelan's she'd gotten a glimpse of what her future could be. It was what they both deserved after a lifetime of serving their people. When she thought about all he'd sacrificed to keep his people safe it was humbling, admirable even. It just sucked being the one to suffer for the cause when it wasn't a decision you had a hand in making.

"Do you think we could do something like this again … soon?”

"I think we could swing it."

"Great." She couldn't help but think his relief was a bit adorable. The intensity with them hadn't faded, but today they seemed to feed it in a different way. And if you want to keep it that way you better get out of here. The inside of her thighs grew warm, and her breasts began to feel heavy.

"We'll make plans soon. I actually have some things I need to take care of tonight, and if I stay here any longer that won't happen." Rivka gave him a slow once over. Had his shoulders always looked so broad in that sweater? His nostrils flared, and his eyes darkened with lust. He cleared his throat.

"You're right. You should head out of here."