"And I will have the British Pale Ale."

"Coming right up."

"I like the vibe of this place." Rivka studied their surroundings." It's really inviting and warm for a bar. It's a nice switch from the sleek and modern look, which can come off as cold."

"I might have to drag the boys down here one night."

"You guys seem really close."

"We are now, but it wasn't like that growing up. I was off in training from the time I was eleven, and Mars was sent down to Earth about the same time. Phelan and Kade were together, but Phelan was bogged down with training to be the next in line to take over."

"That's a lot of weight on tiny shoulders."

"It was, but we managed it best we could."

The bartender returned with their drinks. "Here you go." He set the glasses down in front of them.

"Thank you. What are your soups of the day?" Rivka asked.

"Vegetable and White Chicken Chili."

"I'll have a cup of potato soup," she said.

"Double that," Bastien said.

"Good choice. I eat a bowl almost every day in the winter." He took the menus from them, replaced them behind the bar, and hurried from to a set of swinging doors. She removed her jacket, revealing a v-neck, cream-colored, sweater. The color made her golden skin pop, and the design teased him with the hint of her cleavage.

"You look good today."

"Thanks. I like your sweater." Look at us, being civil.

"Thank you."

The potato soup arrived, steaming with cheese on top and bits of bacon. He took a spoonful, cooled the broth with his powers, and took his first bite. The creamy soup was packed with flavor. He hummed his appreciation as it slid down his throat.

"Okay, we're two for two in the amazing area," Rivka said.

They finished their beers and soup between bits of light conversation that allowed them to get to know one another better and moved on to the next restaurant for their main course.


Rivka glanced around. The Bistro had a completely different vibe from the previous places. With its crisp, white tablecloths, folded like a fan, there was a very modern feel to the building, with its black décor and white accents. This felt like a proper date. She placed her napkin in her lap and tried not to fidget. The first half of this outing felt like an adventure being had by two friends.

"Well, this place is swank," Bastien said.

"Mhmm. Not what I was expecting from the outside of the building."

"I like that they kept the historical building as is though. It's what gives this part of town so much character. One of the things I liked the most when we relocated to Earth was the different architecture."

"True, we didn't have building materials like these on Tagget." On her home planet they lived in dome-shaped buildings made of what would be considered a jelly-like substance here on Earth. The bright colored spheres decorated the landscape, pinks, oranges, and teals.

"Do you ever miss Tagget?" she asked.

"All the time. It seems like I never really got a chance to experience it as an adult."

"When did you end your training?" she asked.

"At nineteen and that was at an accelerated pace."