The waitress returned with their drinks, cutting off the conversation.

"Here you are." She set the drinks on the table in front of them. "Your Carpaccio will be out shortly."

Rivka took a sip of her drink, and he noticed her dark hair brightened to a medium brown.

"This is excellent!"

"Yeah, I figured that."

She placed a hand on her hair. "It turned."

"Yeah, it's a med brown." He took sip of his Manhattan. "Is the hair change connected to your mood?"


"Are you going to give me a color decoder?"

"That'd be like cheating. I think I'm going to let you figure that out on your own."

The plate of food arrived, and Bastien dished them each up a portion. He bit into his first, mindful of her reaction. She chewed her tiny, test bite gingerly, and sighed. She nodded her head, covering her mouth.

"Okay, you were right. This is delicious."

"I'm glad you like it."

They finished the rest of the Carpaccio and their drinks, and then he ordered the bill.

"What's next up on our list?" she asked.

"Corner Stone Bar and Grill for soup."

"That sounds heavenly on a day like this." It was in the high thirties and overcast.


"Here you go. Thanks for coming in today," Tracy said. She deposited the black bill folder on the table and walked away with a smile. Bastien opened it, signed the piece of paper and left a generous tip.

"All set?" he asked.

"Yep, let's head out."

They stood, made for the door, and stepped out into the frigid air. It was about five o'clock, and the sun was beginning its descent, making the temperature dip even lower. They traded the three-story brick building for a two story done in a color that bordered on yellow and stood out from its neighboring dwellings. When they stepped into the door his eyes went directly to the stained glass artwork behind the bar and the beers they had on tap.

"Wow, it's beautiful in here. I love all this dark wood,” she said.

"I'm partial to it too." The dark brown tables and chairs stood out against the white and yellow striped wallpaper and black and white framed images that lined the walls. "Would you like to sit at the bar while we eat?" he asked.

"Yeah, that'd be great."

Once they were seated on two bar stools near the end of the bar furthest from the door, a bartender approached them.

"Hey guys, what can I get for you today?" the round faced man with graying brown hair cut close to his head and brown eyes asked.

"Can we get menus?"

"Sure thing." He handed them two from behind the bar. "What can I start you off with to drink?"

"I'll have the Winter Lager," he said.