"Done." A dark-haired waitress appeared dressed in a crisp white button up and a pair of black slacks. She smiled.

"Hi, I'm Tracy. I'll be your waitress tonight. Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"We're actually ready to order, I think?"

"Okay, what would you like?"

"I'd like a Manhattan."

"An Amaretto Sour, please."

"Can I see your IDs?"

They both pulled out the slips of plastic, and she smiled.

"Thanks. What can I get for you to eat?"

"We're just going to split the Carpaccio."

"I'll be right back with your drinks and place that order for you."

"Thanks, Tracy," he said.

"You're welcome."

"So tell me something about yourself," Bastien said.


"Anything." Please don't let this date die before it's even begun.

"My favorite color is black."

"Mine is blue."

"Dark blue or light blue?"

"Navy blue."

"Nice. What do you do when you're not doing General related things?"

"Up until recently not very much. Now I hang out w

ith my younger brothers pretty regularly, watch TV, play some video games. You?"

"Read, hike, travel when I can, watch television, mostly reality shows."

"Like Jersey Shore?"

She snorted. "No, like National Geographic specials. I like learning especially about Earth. There's a lot to take in still."

"Very true. Do you have any friends?"

"I'm a Priestess, not a human nun," she laughed. "We're allowed to do pretty much everything anyone else can.”

"You'll have to go easy on me. I'm a little out of the loop."

"I'll let it slide the first few times."