"I present your King and Queen." She used English to ensure everyone understood. As the couple made their way down the aisle a feeling of foreboding heightened her uneasiness. She had the feeling this would be the last happy occasion they celebrated for some time. The storm she'd sensed earlier was coming in fast. God, I hope we're ready.


This is the longest hour I’ve ever had to endure. Cocktail hour would be synonymous with torture for the rest of his life. He was sick to death of chatting up women he had no interest in and forcing small talk with men he had nothing in common with. Something had happened to Rivka up there during the ceremony. Her entire aura had changed, though she did a good job of hiding it from everyone else. He hadn't gotten a moment alone with her since. Everyone wanted to talk to the Star Maiden. It’s understandable. They’re curious. Bastien balled his hands into fists. The man next to her was too close for comfort. His chest grew tight, and his body temperature rose.

"You okay, bro? You're looking a little … tense." Kade came to stand beside him at the bar.

"Just want to get a word in with Rivka."

"Uh huh. Well, you might want to take it down a notch before you scare the guests."

"Am I that bad?" he asked, feeling sheepish.

"Very intense. What's going on?"

"I just feel like something's not right." He frowned.

"How so?"

"Something happened in the middle of the ceremony. I want to know what it was."

"It all seemed normal to me."

He shook his head. "She's good at projecting what she wants everyone to see."

"I'm not going to try to understand the bond forming between you two. How about I run some interference and you take her aside?"

"I'll owe you."

"I'm going to hold you to that.” Kade snickered. "Follow me and watch while I work my brand of magic."

"Distracting?" Bastien asked.

"No, diplomatic relationships. You have the subtlety of a bull in a china shop." He burst out laughing, drawing the attention of a few guests as they made their way over to where Rivka stood beside a man he didn't recognize.

"Renten, how are you?" Kade asked. He held out his hand, and Renten smiled and shook enthusiastically. A gleam appeared in his brown eyes.

The middle-aged man with graying hair and kind blue eyes smiled. "Kade, my boy, long time no see."

"I know it's been a busy year."

"Have you thought more about that business venture I mentioned?"

"I have," Kade said.

"Excuse me, Priestess. Kade and I have some catching up to do."

"Of course." She gave a gracious nod of her head, and Bastien pounced.

"It's hot in here. Would you care to step outside with me, Rivka?"

"I'd love that."

They left the cocktail hour and stepped out into the hall.

"Thanks for the rescue. I had a barrage of questions whizzing at me left and right. I don't mind, because I like educating humans on our culture, but it was like … overload." She shook her head as if to clear it as they headed out to the foyer.

"I sensed a change in you during the ceremony. What happened?"