"Not for me, but it's all I've ever known. We Shar are a passionate people, and it'd be a lot to learn to control the intense emotions we experience on a daily basis. You've seen in small glimpses what the struggle is like, haven't you?" He saw Charlie nod out of his peripheral vision. "It'll only continue to get worse."


You got him right where you want him. He'll swallow down the pills without thinking twice and finally I'll have the genetic link I need to reverse this affliction. It was a struggle to do the speed limit and remain calm with victory so close at hand. Soon the rapid aging would be permanently reversed. The gray hairs would return to their normal hue, the wrinkles would smooth out, and if he was lucky he'd reach the goal he'd originally sought to accomplish, a super being with an extended life. By the time they reached his house the strain of playing the role of concerned uncle hit. He needed to be in his lab, measuring, documenting and cross-referencing. He parked in the driveway, and they exited the truck.

"What's in this pill?" Charlie asked as Tavel unlocked the door.

"Herbs and plant from a planet similar to the one we originate from." Laced with some potent chemical compounds you don't need to worry about. He pushed the door open. "Go on in and have a seat at the kitchen table. I'll bring the pills to you."

Charlie entered the house in front of him, and he locked the door behind them and headed into his bedroom. His hand shook as he grabbed the plain Aspirin bottle he'd hidden the homemade pills in. The tiny, white circles rattled in the plastic container. Last chance, old man. He put his game face back on and headed into the kitchen. Charlie looked up, eyes glued to the bottle he held in his hand.

"How do you know so much about this stuff, Uncle Ted?"

"Back on Tagget I was what you'd call a geneticist. We constantly strived to keep our people in the best shape possible. Our life spans are longer, our constitution is heartier, but over time everything wears down. That's where I stepped in."

"Wow, that makes you a bit of a hero, Unc." For a time.

"Just a Shar with an affinity for science."

"Man, if I was in your position I would not be downplaying it."

Tavel laughed. "I didn't always. But I grew older, and the things that mattered changed." He'd grown up in a lower class family, where education was the only way to escape the cards they'd been dealt. His parents pushed the three of them in school. Merk rebelled, while Chanste followed in his footsteps, but with less success. But for him learning came easily and was something he enjoyed. He'd been ready to take on the world as he rocketed his way to the top of the Science field. Others were too safe and set in their old ways to make breakthroughs. He was a breath of fresh air in a stuffy society that needed a new wind. He'd been riding high when his Mother had fallen ill. Similar to what humans called Alzheimer's, the illness took away her memories, a bit more each day, as if someone were erasing her life and leaving behind an empty shell. It was here that the obsession with cell regeneration had begun. In the end he hadn't been able to save her. But he couldn't stop, especially not when he'd begun to see early signs of it in himself.

He'd told people he was working on making a better soldier for the Shar, which was partially true. The rest he kept to himself, until the mishap in the lab had changed all of his plans.

"So I just take this?" Charlie's voice brought him back to the present.

"Yes, twice a day, once in the morning, then again at night, and we'll monitor your response."

"Sounds good." Charlie took the bottle from him, shook out a pill, opened his mouth and tossed it back. He swallowed, and Tavel mentally cheered. Now the waiting begins!

Chapter Fourteen

Rivka walked out to the massive lawn in the back yard where a giant white tent had been set up. They were in the sub season between winter and spring. It was cold, but there was no more snow. She pulled the pea coat closer and headed into the tent. Warmth from the heaters spread throughout the space to hold over three hundred washed over her. The ceremony would take place here, and then they'd move inside to the ballroom that had been completely transformed. Divided into two separate quadrants by white curtains hung on trellises, it would be set up for the cocktail hour, dinner and the reception. Here in the tent, rows of chairs had been covered with a white, gauzy material and a black bow that fell down to the floor in a waterfall of lightweight material that looked stunning against the white flooring that'd been brought in to cover the lawn. A white runner ran down the middle of the tent, awaiting rose petals.

Large, glass cylinders had been set up with round, electric blue stones that emitted a bright glow served as a testament to the connection between Zasha and Phelan. These soul crystals were a traditional part of the bonding ceremony and measured power and emotions. She'd attuned the stones to them last night at the rehearsal, and the sight of the stones pulsing had taken her breath away. The two were formidable. I wonder what the stones would look like for Bastien and me. She pushed the thought away. Now was not the time to examine the hot mess that was her quasi-relationship. The sex between them was amazing, but that was where they stalled out. It was clear he wanted more. She saw it in many things: the longing in his eyes, personal questions he asked, and the way he allowed her to lead. That trait she knew for a fact wasn’t in his character. She'd been clinging to this ceremony like a lifeline, using it for a shield between them, and now that it was finally happening she'd beg

un to worry. Just focus on the job.

Floating on the top of the water in the cylinders was one perfectly formed, blush pink tea rose. As she walked the space, she ignored the chaos around her. Florists ran in and out with buckets of flowers. A team of eight worked on the massive arches being covered with cream-colored flowers, studded with diamonds and a touch of glitter to make it sparkle. One was placed in the center of the aisle way and the other in the front where Phelan and Zasha would be wed and bonded. Satisfied that the tent was under control she walked over to her coordinator, Drusi, who'd recently emerged from her time away.

"This is looking spot on. Make sure there are no gaps on the archway flower work, and the petals don't cover the walkway to the very last minute before the guests arrive. I want to make sure they look fresh."

"You got it, Riv."

"I'm going to head inside now and see how they're fairing."

"I'm only a walkie away if you need me," Drusi said.

"This is why I love working with you." She smiled and walked away to exit the tent. When she stepped inside the ballroom she stopped just inside the door she gasped. Pheromones threatened to bring her to her knees. She turned her head and saw Bastien over the far wall, talking with Kade and Marsden. What are they doing here? She headed toward them, trying her best to keep her fuck me eyes to herself.

"Hey boys, what's going on?"

"We were sent down here by Phelan to calm his bride's nerves."

She smiled.

"Hormone attack?"