"Look, it's going to be a painful process either way you look at it," Kade said. "Going from not feeling much to this is like jumping into freezing cold water, a shock to your system and uncomfortable as hell."

"Thanks, Billy Nye," Mars said.

"Who?" Bastien and Kade asked at the same time.

"The science guy—no, doesn’t ring a bell? Jeez." Mars shook his head.

Bastien snorted. "I'm starting to feel like we need to limit your television watching, Marsden."

At the end of the day Bastien knew he was still waiting, but now at least he wasn't alone.

Chapter Twelve

Rivka rolled on to her side, desperate to find relief from the heat emanating from her body. She'd stripped down to nothing and still suffered. Her thighs rubbed together, and she brought her hands up to cup her breast. She squeezed them and moved her hand down to pinch the beaded nipples. A lusty moan slid past her lips. Her body came off the bed. A wave of pleasure swept over her. Warm liquid flowed onto her thighs, soaked the sheets beneath her. Rivka slid one hand between her legs in an attempt to ease the ache of her swollen clit. One rub of her thumb and she was crying out, rocking her hips in search of more stimulation. She abandoned the nipple play and moved her hand down to join its twin, teasing her entrance with her middle finger as she continued to rub her stiff nub. With one glorious thrust she was knuckle deep inside her slick channel, pumping hard. I need more. She added another finger, and another, placing her feet on the bed to gain leverage. She worked her hand, wishing it was Bastien's hard length. Her mind might loathe him, but her body craved his like an addict who needed a fix.

The thought of the muscular General with the earthy scent and large calloused hands set her off like a grenade. She cried out, moving faster, trying to stretch out the tidal wave of sensations. She rode out the orgasm to the end, collapsing on the bed. She went to leave and cried out when the pulse between her legs began again. I can’t continue on like this. She'd been away from Bastien for a week. No amount of meditation or mixture of calming herbs was going to save her. It was time to face him. After the way she left things she'd wanted to draw it out as much possible. Make him suffer. It wasn't like her. It was petty and mean, but she'd be damned if he didn’t deserve a little taste of his own medicine. A whimper left her lips as the intensity began to build again in her pussy. Rivka reached over to the drawer beside her bed and pulled out the black box that held one of her most prized toys, a pink and white INA 2, LELO vibrator. She removed the lid and pulled out the five-inch piece of heaven. The two-in-one piece stimulated from the inside and outside. She slid the piece home, hit the high speed button and clamped her teeth down on her lower lip to keep from screaming.

Her body arched off the bed, and nectar flowed like a fountain. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and her body convulsed like she was having a seizure. Overly sensitive, she was forced to remove the toy. Tonight, this insanity ends. I'll arrange a meeting and tell him this is strictly physical. I won't allow myself to suffer, but I could never respect myself if I folded like a stack of cards because The Purge finally wore off. I was lonely, but I was never desperate. Rivka caught her breath and moved her sluggish body up from the bed. After cleaning her toy with a special solution and placing it back in its home, she showered, dressed, and placed the call to the house she'd been dreading.

"Hello," a deep masculine voice said.

"Hi, can I speak with Bastien?"

"Sure, give me a minute to locate him."

I should hang up. The memory of writhing in the bed, unable to fulfill the needy ache that had made its home inside her flashed in her head. Or not. A click sounded in her left ear.



"Rivka," he whispered. The breathy sound sent a chill up her spine.

"Yes, we need to talk, tonight."

"You're feeling The Wanting symptoms too?"

"Yes." The word tasted like ash in her mouth. She'd never felt so conflicted in her life. Just keep it physical. "I have some things I'd like to say, but I'd like to do it in person."

"When and where do you want to meet up?" he asked.

"Tonight, the Martini Bar on First Street and Main."

"I know it. Is seven okay?"

"Can we make it sooner?" she asked.

"Six?" Bastien asked.


"I'll see you in an hour."

"See you then," she said.

The sound of his voice had chased away some of the anxiety. The tightness in her chest eased. A part of her was excited to see the man chosen by fate to be her perfect match. There was so much she didn’t know and wanted to ask, like why the hell he took The Purge in the first place. Rivka rose from her position on the bed and swayed and stumbled. She sat back down on the bed heavily and inhale

d and exhaled as the vision descended upon her.