"No undergarments?"

"Waiting even a second longer than I have to is a tragedy."

He stroked her with his calloused finger, moving inside her sheath.

"You're ready for me, aren't you?"


He reached down between them to free himself from his britches.

He pressed into her entrance with his thick head and pushed inside her, inch by decadent inch. Her muscles protested before they gave and he sank inside, filling her, chasing away the emptiness that lived inside her when he was gone. He pulled out and pumped inside her. It was a slow, steady pace as they rediscovered each other. Six months without his touch, or hearing his voice. Tears ran down her face as the pressure built and she teetered on the edge. She tilted her head up to accept, and they made love with their mouths. All too soon it came to an end when he stroked the spot inside her and she exploded, dragging him with her. Warmth flooded her channel as he released with a low groan. "When I'm inside you like this, I'm home." His words were muffled, his face buried in her neck.



Rivka woke with tears on her face. The sweet scene that’d transpired between the two lovers in her dream made her heart ache. Why am I dreaming about this? There was a familiarity to the scene, though she couldn’t place why. Their faces were obscured by the darkness. Had she seen them on a t.v. show or a movie? No. Perhaps it had been more than a picture painted by her overactive subconscious. Now that The Wanting had begun, perhaps it was a soul memory. Was Bastien someone she'd known before? The words of Estria haunted her once more. They had a dark past between them. She would meditate on it.

Chapter Ten

Zasha chewed over the new information she’d received from Phelan while she prepared to go in to work. After a year and a half dating and mating she was still amazed at the things the Shar were able to do. Contacting the souls of their slain parents had come at a great personal price, but it also gave them a starting point. They had a motive. It'd make it easier to find a pattern and figure out their next move. She smoothed back the stray hairs of her braid and began to secure the rope-like length into a bun. She'd been toying with the ideal of bringing in the top geneticist, Dr. Guerin, for a while, but needed the justification to do it. Now she had good reason. After she delivered the brief she'd send a request in to her commanding officers. Then hopefully she could get started on the process of contacting the woman and getting her brought on to their team.

Zasha studied herself in the mirror as she worked on pinning her bun. A slight swell had begun to transform her once toned abdomen. It wouldn't be much longer in regular clothes. Her breast had grown a cup size. They were often tender, along with her sore nipples. These were the not-so-wonderful things people didn’t tell you about pregnancy. She'd read What to Expect when Expecting, but they didn't have a section on interspecies pregnancy. Done with her hair she grabbed the gun holster off the dresser, slipped it on, and added her detective badge. She'd been moved to desk duty after she'd announced her pregnancy to the chief. It was the stipulation he and Phelan insisted on, not that she'd put her child in danger.

She rested her hand on the swell. He or she was the reason she'd been burning the midnight oil and pushing everyone so hard. They would never really be safe until Tavel was caught. The mad man still haunted her dreams, and at times her waking hours. All it took was the sight of a close shaven blond head to set her on edge when she was caught off guard. It was no way to live. The thought that Tavel might have captured others who weren't lucky enough to get away pissed her off and made her sick to her stomach.

"I swear we'll bring him to justice, little one. You will never know what it feels like to constantly look over your shoulder and live in fear," she whispered.

"We'll get him, Zash." Her husband came up behind her, wrapping his strong arms around her body. Used to his ability to walk soundlessly she allowed her head to rest on his chest for a moment, basking in his comforting smell and support.

"I think this new information can help turn the tables. I'm just not sure how to present it. Telling them you can do this with your powers would be—jarring, to say the very least."

"Tell them we found a new recollection of our parents’ death. It's not a lie, and they won't ask how I'm sure. It's too personal and not relevant as long as you have proof, which you do. I've typed up the statement, signed, dated, and given it the royal stamp of approval. You don't get much more official than that."

"I know, I just worry. I'm walking a very fine line being with you and working for the P.I.U. I know I'm not the only one who thinks so either. I can't afford to slip up."

"You won't," Phelan whispered. He gave her a gentle squeeze and she leaned her head back, going up on her tiptoes to peck his lips. She went to step away, and he deepened the exchange, slipped his tongue inside her mouth and kissed her thoroughly.

"Okay, enough of that, or I won't get out of here on time.”

Phelan's amber eyes sparkled with mischief. "I'm sure we have time for a quickie."

"The look on your face has anything but quick written all over it," Zasha said. He chuckled.

"You're right."

"I called my team in on the weekend. If I'm late they'll never let me live it down. Besides I put in an order for doughnuts and coffee I need to pick up on my way. My way of boosting morale and saying I love you, don't kill me for cutting into your off time."

Zasha forced herself to step out of his arms to grab the black bag she carried to work off the balsa wood dresser. "It shouldn’t be a late night. We're going to work this new information into what we've already collected, come up with a new game plan, and get back home to enjoy our families.”

"Be safe and call me if you need me."

"Always." Zasha paused when she reached the doorway. "By the way, I know you have men following me. I don't like it, but I understand the need for it."

"How did you know that? I told them to be cautious," he said.

"I wouldn't be very good at my job if I didn’t know when I was being followed. Besides." She tapped her head. "Heightened senses and all that jazz, thanks to you and baby wonder in my belly." She gave a wink. "Love you, Phe. I'll see you later on."