ing at straws. Letting you go was one of the most painful things we ever had to do, and all I could think about was being strong so you could do the same." He could hear the pain and sadness in his father's rich baritone. "We always regretted the way things were left between us, Bastien."

"We're proud of you and the sacrifices you've made for our people. Knowing you didn't realize that kills me," his mother said.

"Don't cry, Mom."

His mother sniffed and shook her head. "No parent is perfect, but that was our greatest mistake when it came to you. I'm glad we had a chance to rectify it."

"Me too," he whispered.

A knock on the door signaled his time was up.

"I have to go."

"We love you, son," his father said.

"And I love you." Bastien's voice shook, and he cleared his throat. He blinked back the moisture pooled in his eyes. He turned on his heels and walked to the door with his back straight, refusing to look back, lest he lose it altogether. He walked out into the hallway, nodding his head at Kade who pushed away from the wall and continued inside the ballroom.

"You okay?" Phelan asked.

"Yeah, I am." His parents’ admission filled a hole inside him.

"Good," Phelan nodded.

With his focus taken off his parents his attention was redirected to Rivka. She turned her head, and their gazes locked. A sharp stab of pain hit him in the temple. He winced.

"You okay?" Phelan asked again.

"Yeah, just working on a headache.” Bastien rubbed his temples as dizziness made him close his eyes.

"Is this normal?" Phelan asked.

"Perhaps he's sensitive to the energy," Rivka said. She walked over to stand in front of him. "I'm going to check you for signs of a fever now."

Her hand was soft and warm on his forehead. It was like someone had lit a fuse. Fire licked at every nerve ending he possessed, and images flickered in his mind. Grainy and out of focus, they taunted him, staying just out of his reach. She gasped and stepped back as if she'd been burned. Their gazes locked. He fell into her purple irises. A sense of recognition and belonging filled him. The door swung open again, shattering the moment to tiny pieces.

"I-I must put them back to rest now." She lifted the hem of her dress and fled.

"You okay?" Kade asked. "It looked like something strange passed between you two."

"I’m fine," Bastien said. Liar.

When Rivka emerged from the room a few minutes later she looked exhausted.

"They're back where they belong," she whispered.

"Thank you," Phelan said. "Are you sure you're okay to drive right now? I can have one of my brothers take you."

"I'd be happy to give you a lift," Mars said.

"Really I'm fine, just a little tired, nothing a good night of rest can't fix," Rivka said.

There was no way in hell he was about to let Mars be alone with her in the car.

"At least let me walk you to the door," Bastien said.

She opened her mouth to protest, he was sure. Bastien narrowed his eyes, pinning her with a look that'd made many a man back down. They needed to talk, and he wasn't about to wait until the next time he saw her to do it.

"Fine." She gritted her teeth and shot him a look that told him she was not impressed. It was a blow that struck below the belt. Wasn't this supposed to be a joyous occasion? He raised an eyebrow at her scowl.