Bastien ran a hand through his mid-length locks. "Is this an order?"

"No, this is me as your brother, not your King. I want to get your take before I bring it up to the others."

"It’s a total mind fuck. I mean losing them was hard enough, to wake them to ask questions about their death and talk to them again is going to reawaken that pain and rip the healed wounds back open. Regardless, I think it's necessary. We're missing pieces here, and without them we're in the dark. This may be our one chance to get the upper hand."

"Those were my thoughts too," Phelan whispered.

"When do you want to do this?"

"I want to get the boys together tonight to run it by them, and if they agree, get Rivka over here immediately after."

His anxiety spiked. What is going to happen the next time I see her? Steady man, hold it together. Your duty is to your people first, always.

"Let's call them now," he said.

"I suppose you're right, no sense stalling," Phelan said.

"Not when it's this important," Bastien replied.

Phelan dug his phone out of his pocket and began to type. "I'm telling them I need to meet up at the house tonight and it's important."

Two beeps later the time was set and the only thing left to do was wait for Kade and Marsden to arrive.


"Okay, we're all here," Mars said as he took a seat on the couch beside Kade. "Care to tell me what's going on?"

Bastien looked over at Phelan who stood in the center of the room, his hands clasped together behind his back.

"There's no easy way to say this—I want to do a Calling for Mom and Dad," Phelan said.

Kade’s jaw dropped, and Mars tensed. "Why?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"Because I need guidance and we need to know what really happened when they died. They were drained of their blood, and others things were off. I didn't ask all the questions I should've then. I was in shock. The weight of our entire planet and your well being was resting on my shoulders. I was numb, sickened by what happened, and scared shitless. It was the best I could do at the time. Now I can't shake the feeling it's connected to Tavel.”

"Of course, it is. The crazy son of a bitch murdered them!" Mars said.

"I think it's deeper than that," Phelan said.

Bastien placed a hand on Mars’ tense shoulders to steady him and keep him in his spot on the couch.

"What more is there?" Mars asked.

"I don't know. That's why we need to Call them."

"I don't like this," Kade said.

"Finally a voice of reason!" Mars threw his hands up in the air and slumped back against the couch, arms crossed over his chest.

"But if you think it's necessary you have my support," Kade finished.

"Come on! We're taking our parents away from whatever place they've found their peace in, making them relive their own death. That's sick! How can you stand here so unaffected by what you're planning to do?"

Phelan's eyes grew bright with anger. "I'm not unaffected. I have a duty to our people. Our parents will understand that. They've lived under the same pressure."

"Oh, so now you want to pull the King card?" Mars said.

"I'm not pulling anything," Phelan said. His knuckles had gone white, and Bastien could see he was on the edge.