“Nowhere fucking Kentucky.”

“Hmm, never heard of that town,” she said, mocking playfulness. He was funny that way, opening up until he realized how much he’d said. Then he’d shut down and clam up.

“It’s Dawson Springs, ’bout two hours out.”

“I’m coming to you. Give me the directions.”

“You don’t need to do that.”

“I think I do. I don’t like the way you sound, Xavier. Support has to do its job. You’ve been there for me, now let me return the favor.”

“Don’t think it’s a good idea, Es.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m taking care of something.”

“Yeah? Well, who’s taking care of you?” she shot back, refusing to back down.

“Don’t need someone—”

“Clearly you do, or you wouldn’t be calling me at three o’clock in the morning. I got a bad feeling about this. I want to see you with my own eyes. Then I can sleep knowing I’m not going to wake up to bad news tomorrow. I can’t lose another person close to me.”

“You mean that?” he asked. His hoarse voice was a rough caress.

“I said it didn’t I?” she replied, praying she hadn’t just put her foot in her mouth.

“Shit, Es. When did you get so damn hardcore? It’s kind of hot.” He hiccupped, and she laughed. “Listen, Es. If you come down here—”


“All right, when you come down here, you have to keep it to yourself. The shit I’m in right now… I need to be able to trust you.”

“You can.”

“I know that deep down, but I’ve been guarded so long, I’m a bit rusty at letting down my drawbridge.”

“You’re doing just fine, big man,” she whispered.

“Thanks, Sprite. Here, take down this address.”

Mentally cheering, she took down his address. “I’m throwing on clothes, and then I’ll be on my way.”


bsp; “I hope neither of us lives to regret this,” he whispered.

“I can do more than shoot darts and pools. I’m loyal and a damn good listener. My father, rake that he was, taught me to think like a man when necessary. I don’t plan on hanging around to cramp your style. I have a day of work to put in tomorrow night. But I can tell you don’t have your head on straight. I can’t have you out there like this.”

“I never saw this coming, Es. I can’t stop asking myself questions I don’t have the answers to, running fucked up scenarios in my head. She’s my little girl. It was my job to take care of her. I failed her in the worst possible way knowing I’ve continued to do that with each day that passes.” He took a shaky breath.

She climbed out of bed. “Hey, we don’t know anything for sure, right?”

“No, but it’s a gut feeling—”

“Shelve it.” Grabbing a pair of yoga pants from her dresser, she wiggled her way into them and decided to keep the oversized sleep shirt. She wasn’t trying to win any beauty contests. “I’m coming, support. You wait for me and don’t give up, you hear?”

“Loud and clear.”