“I had someone else take them off my hands.”

“Wow, you’ve got an understanding boss,” Jole said.

You have no idea.

“Perk of the job, I suppose.”

“I’ll say. I guess that means no girl’s night out?”

Es sighed. “No.”

“How about a girl’s night in? After the little darling goes to sleep we’ll celebrate.”

“That sounds amazing. I can already taste the wine.”

Jolene laughed. “See you tomorrow at six o’clock?”

“Perfect. Thank you for understanding.”

“Hey, I have kids. I know a parent has to be Gumby ready to be flexible at the drop of a hat,” Jole said.

Es sighed. “I’m quickly figuring that out.”

“Hang in there, mama bear. The good comes with the bad. That little one just had a shit storm come her way. She has to process and begin to recover.”

“I know. I’m just hoping it’ll be sooner rather than later.”

“I know, love. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“With two bottles?”

“Just for you,” Jole said.

They disconnected and she couldn’t help but feel lighter. She moved inside from the porch and began dinner. Hoping to entice the girl down she made one of her favorites—fresh garlic bread and spaghetti with meat sauce. It was nice to cook for someone else. The sound of the door clicking open made her smile. She kept her back to the stairs as she continued to chop the salad. The back door opened and she decided to give Joc her space. The girl had a real fondness for the backyard. The deck had a great view of the wooded area behind their property. She spent much of her time out there or in the gardens Es was slowly building up. Fifteen minutes later, she shut off the eyes on the stove and walked out back. She opened the door and frowned when she didn’t see the girl seated at the table.

“Joc,” she called.

When the girl didn’t answer she scowled. “Jocelyn, this isn’t funny.” She walked down the steps of the deck, scanning the large yard. “Joc, come on, dinner’s ready.” She’s not here. Her heart began to race, and the blood drained from her face. She took off, yelling her name as she made her way around the house. One of the draws to their home was how close it was to everything. They could easily walk to the local strip mall.

She ran to the back, and closed the door, leaving it unlocked in case the girl returned. As she headed out the front, she grabbed her keys, hoping she’d find the young girl still walking. Grabbing her phone, she walked toward the door.

“Hey, Es, Snake told me he was headed out today, everything all right?”

“No, I can’t find Joc.”

“What?” Enzo exclaimed.

“She stepped out on the back porch like she usually does, and when I went out to get her for dinner she wasn’t there. I don’t want to call Snake yet. He just left and I know he’s needed. But I want eyes looking for her.”

“Jesus. Where are you looking?”

“By the strip mall.”

“I’m on my way,” Enzo said.

Relieved to have help, she dialed up Jolene and delivered the same message. When she reached the strip mall with no sign of Joc, her stomach plummeted. The almost eight-year-old could pass for older with her long legs and sassy attitude. She parked the car and hit the sidewalk, eyeballing everyone she passed. If I was a child trying to run away where would I go? Oh, dear God! The gas station. She ran back to her car, praying for protection over the protected princess who had no clue how cruel the real world could be. She skidded out of the parking lot burning rubber as she punched the gas. Pulling into the first available space along the store front, she froze when she spotted a man speaking to Jocelyn. Her vision went red as she bounded out of the car and stalked toward them.

“Get away from my daughter before I rip you limb from fucking limb, you disgusting maggot.”