“You really think so?”

“Girl, you know I don’t waste my breath or energy bullshitting,” Kali stated, sounding offended.

Es laughed. “I do know that.” She took a deep breath and thought of the things they’d overcome in the past ten months. “Okay, I think I’m feeling a little saner now.”

“Good. Is there anything I can do?”

“Keep your phone by you in case I need to nine-one-one you.”

“And then I rush over and whisk you away, like you’re in the midst of a bad date?”

“Exactly,” Es laughed.

A car pulled up in the driveway.

“Crap, they’re here. I got to go.”

“Relax, it’s all going to work out, babe. Call me Sunday and fill me in,” Kali said.

They disconnected and she made her way to the front door with her heart in her throat.

As they walked up the driveway, she pasted a smile and opened the door.

“Es!” Jocelyn cried, breaking into a run.

She hit her like a wrecking ball, almost knocking Es off her feet as she wrapped her arms around her waist.

“Hey, Joc,” Es said embracing her. She looked at Snake; the tension in his shoulders and around his eyes made her heart ache.

“We have a surprise for you, are you ready to see it?” Es asked.

“For me?”

Es glanced at Snake, trying to pull him into the conversation and out of his head.

“Yeah, little one. We’ve been working hard on it. Es will lead the way.”

She wrapped her arm around the girl’s shoulders and led her in the house.

“Welcome to our house. It’s not the biggest place, but we love it.”

Jocelyn glanced around the living room.

/> “Do you want the tour first, or to see your surprise.”

“Surprise, please.”

Es and Snake laughed. “All right, surprise it is.” Es steered the girl through the living room and up the stairs. They paused outside of the room and Es moved away from Joc. “Okay, close your eyes.”

Joc did as she requested, and she mouthed, ‘You show her,’ to Snake. He was adorable when he was around his daughter. The care, consideration, and gentleness he emitted made her fall even deeper in love with him. Es opened the door and stepped back, letting daughter and father have their moment.

“Okay, Joc, you can open your eye now,” Snake said.

Joc gasped. “This is beautiful! I-Is it for me?”

“Yeah, babe. This is your room. Go ahead and explore it.”

She stepped inside and did a full spin. The joy on her face made all the hard work and searching for just the right items worth it.