“Thank you for coming,” Mrs. Miles said in a cultured voice which reminded him of the wealthy people he saw in movies.

“Jocelyn, these are Mother and Father’s associates, Ms. Noll and Mr. Kolton,” Mr. Miles introduced.

Mother and Father? Who has their children call them that?

“You can call me X. My real name is Xavier, and all my closest friends’ call me X.”

Mr. Miles opened his mouth to protest, and Snake stared him down. There was no way he’d have his daughter calling him mister anything. “This is my girlfriend, Estelle.”

“Like in Great Expectations?” Jocelyn asked.

He’d never seen such old eyes in someone so young. He wanted to take her away, get her in the mud and sand, and let her run wild.

“Yes, that’s where my mother got the name. Do you know the classics?” Es asked.

“Oh yes, my mother likes to read them to me. My nanny, Elizabeth, does too. She’s from England,” Jocelyn replied.

Es laughed. “So are my parents.”

“Oh, you don’t have an accent,” Jocelyn said.

“No, I was born and raised here, so other than a few words and customs, I’m afraid I’ve been Americanized.” Es gave an exaggerated sigh that made Jocelyn giggle.

“Is it okay if we sit across from you, Jocelyn?” Snake asked.

She nodded, and he breathed a sigh of relief. They took their seats. It felt like sleeping with the enemy being seated across from the couple clearly judging him. He put a stranglehold on his anger.

“Since we’re all here now, we should order,” Mr. Miles said.

They placed their orders, and Es worked overtime to keep the conversation flowing. Their breakfast was placed in front of them and he picked at his perfectly executed Belgian waffles with cream and fresh blueberries, smoked bacon, and scrambled eggs. The meal tasted like saw dust. He tried not to stare openly at Jocelyn. Her voice was fairy-like; soft, light, and enchanting. She was well-spoken with impeccable manners, but he didn’t feel like he caught a glimpse of who she was. She was too buttoned up. It made him angry at the Miles.

Had they wanted a living doll instead of a child? She cut her pancakes just so and took small, delicate bites. It was unreal.

“What do you like to do, Joc?” he asked.

Concern flashed across her face, and she glanced down to her mother. Her

mother forced a smile. Did they not do nicknames either?

“I like to dance and paint. Sometimes we ride horses at the stables, which is really fun.” Animation entered her voice, and he saw the adult-like child melt away as joy took over.

“Wow, I’ve never ridden a horse before. I think I’d be too scared,” Snake said.

Her eyes grew round. “You would?” Jocelyn asked.

“Oh yeah, they’re way bigger than I am, you know?”

She laughed. “I know, but they’re really nice Mr. — X.”

“Hmm. I think I’ll take your word for it,” he said lightly.

“They really are. I think you haven’t met the right horse. Some of them can be mean, but not all of them,” Jocelyn said kindly.

“Well that makes sense, just like people, huh? Some are nice, and some not so much.”

“Yes, like Sarah Burger.” Jocelyn wrinkled her nose.

“Jocelyn,” Mr. Miles said firmly.