“Less flirting and more working,” Kali called from the other end of the bar.

Es huffed. “Look, you’re getting me into trouble,” she said, walking away from him to start the closing policies as the last of the patrons made their way outside. Eager to reconnect after the brief rift, he focused in on the prospect, Stealth.

“Stealth, come here.”

He strode over. “Yeah, V.P?”

“Finish cleaning up behind the bar and give Kali the register to count out.”

“Yes, sir,” Stealth replied.

He liked the boy. He’d be a good fit for the club. He followed directions down to the letter, never asked more questions than necessary, and held his alcohol and knowledge well. One of the main reasons they let people go was over inflated egos that lead to wagging tongues.

“Come here, sweet girl,” he said, crooking his fingers.

“I’m not finished yet.”

“Yes you are.” Snake grew hard as he took in the formfitting tank top and black pants. Not long ago he’d been inside of her and all had been right with the world. He needed to get back to that. He stared her down; her eyes dilated, and her chest heaved. When she walked around the bar, he opened his legs and guided her to stand between them. Gripping the back of her neck, he pulled her to him. He kissed her hard, intent on leaving his mark behind. They broke apart, and he stood, pulling her through the quiet club. Rain had a special room with a two-way glass and plush furniture. Normally used for private meetings, the space would facilitate a more recreational purpose tonight.

“Where are we going?” Es asked breathlessly.

“A place where I can remind you who you belong to.”

She gasped. He glanced back and chuckled at her scandalized expression.


“Anytime, anyplace. And I promise you, you’ll love every second of it.”

She bit her bottom lip, and he groaned and walked faster, pulling her along behind him. She was intoxicating. They’d danced around one another, put in the work to build a strong foundation, and now he wanted to learn her body as well as he knew her soul. They climbed the stairs, and he paused at the door to enter the code. The door clicked, and he turned the handle, allowing her to step inside the spacious room. Flicking on the light, he revealed the large wooden table lined with chairs by the door, and comfortable, black leather couches in the back of the room against the wall. A table rested between them and a bar sat a few feet away against the back wall.

He walked them to the back, sank onto the couch, and patted his lap. With her pink cheeks, she looked like a maiden waiting to be spoiled.

“Come here, sweet girl.” He grasped her hand and tugged her until she complied, straddling his legs. Gripping her hips, he pressed her down onto his hard-on. “See what you do to me? I can’t get enough of you.”

“You’ve only had me once,” she whispered.

“That’s just your body. Your soul has been mine for months. That’s why this is so good between us. You know that, right?”

She peered up from beneath a fringe of blonde hair.

“When I claimed you as my old lady, it wasn’t a decision I made on a whim. I did it because I’m in this with you for the long haul.”

She rested a hand on his chest, over his heart, and smiled bashfully. “Xavier, I feel the same way and it scares the hell out of me.”

“Don’t be scared. I’m not perfect. I’ll screw up, piss you off, and frustrate you to no end at times. That’s the way it is between an old lady and her man. But I will never let you down, abandon you, or leave you unprotected. I come with an entire family that’s embraced you. While we may be rowdy and unconventional, we’re also there for each other.” He laughed. “I guess what I’m saying is I pledge myself to you, sweet girl. You deserve flowers, poems, and a number of other things I can’t give you.”

“You just did,” she whispered.

His lips twitched upward. “Are you ready for the commitment that comes along with me? ’Cause I’m past the point of being able to let you go, and this life is an all in or out thing.”

“Don’t you know by now I’m with you, always? I love you. I never thought I would say those words to another man. Then you came along, and I couldn’t maintain all the walls I’d buried myself behind. You showed me how to live again. No, you gave me the courage to thaw out and experience life the way it was meant to be lived. After losing my family the way I did, there will always be a part of me that’s terrified by love this deep. There will be times when I retreat, try to push you away, and shut you out. I’m not perfect. I’m broken, but breathing and fighting like hell to keep what we have untarnished by my—”

“Hey, no.” He placed a finger on her lip, silencing her. “Neither of us is whole apart. We’re a work in progress, and that’s okay.” Burying his fingers in her mane, he massaged her scalp. Her body melted in to his hips. “I want to love you now, Es. Are you going to let me?” he asked, moving his fingers down to her neck. He worked out the tension, and she whimpered, circling her hips. He could feel her heat through his jeans and her pants. He continued kneading his way down her back and let her set the pace. His dick strained against his pants. She placed her hands on his shoulders and used him to balance as she rocked back and forth against him.

She was beautiful as she took back her power and put herself out there. Life steamrolled her, beat her down, and stole her sense of security. This woman before him was a phoenix r

isen from the ashes.