Estelle nodded. It was her turn. She toyed with the belt of her black trench coat.

Bryan smiled at her, a soft expression on his face. “You don’t have to talk tonight, Estelle. We’re here to support you and allow you to go at your pace.”

She glanced up at Snake, almost as if she needed reassurance. Snake nodded. He wasn’t sure why she was so fearless. Most women shied away from him. It felt…nice. That was a dangerous emotion to indulge.

As they wrapped the session, he stood and stretched. Jason hovered in the doorway, eyeballing Estelle like a dog in heat. Fuck.

“Can I walk you to your car?” Snake asked.

Her eyebrows arched. “I…yeah, sure,” she replied with a shrug.

“Be seeing you,” Snake said to the others, quickly ushering her out the door.

“Estelle, I wanted to offer myself up as your buddy,” Jason said.


“She can’t. We already agreed we’d be each other’s check in point,” Snake said.

Jason scowled. “Is that true, Estelle?” he asked.

“Yes, sorry,” she answered.

Good girl. Snake placed a hand on the small of her back and guided her out of the church.

“You didn’t seem comfortable around, Jason. It’s why I jumped in. I’m not the type to strong arm anyone to get my kicks.”

“I wasn’t. I appreciate you stepping in. I wasn’t expecting to deal with that at a grief meeting,” she admitted as they stepped out into the evening air.

“Most women flock to him.”

“Exactly why he made me wary. Men that are used to yes, and woman being interested in them tend to have over-inflated egos.”

“You got good instincts. He likes to hit women at their most vulnerable. It’d be smart to keep him at a distance, and let him know you’re not interested.”

Her brow furrowed. “I thought I did.”

“He doesn’t understand subtle hints,” Snake said.

“Just great.”

“Other than him, the group’s good.”

“Yeah?” She cocked her head to the side as she looked at him.

“It’s hard being new. But if you stick with it, that fades, and you find a group of people who can say they understand what you go through without bullshitting you.”

“Is that why you come?” she asked.


“This is me,” she said, gesturing to the black BMW in the parking lot.

He whistled. “Nice ride.”

She shrugged. “It gets me from point A to point B.”