“I didn’t. All I did was put a name to what’s been happening organically. It was a clarification.”

“According to you.”

“According to everyone with eyes, sweet girl. I promised you I’d go slow. I believe I’ve honored that. But I can’t have you hanging in the wind.”

“What are you talking about?”


“Nothing’s going to happen to me,” she said, placing a hand on his chest.

“I screwed up last time with Jade and Jocelyn. I won’t do the same thing with you. I need this, Es. I also need to define your role in my life in case I go to court for Jocelyn. Is it so bad to be linked with me?”

“No, of course not. I…” She bit her bottom lip. “I just don’t know if I’m ready to take such a huge step.”

“Sprite, you are. We’re already doing it. Naming it shouldn’t make a difference. Make no mistake, title or no title, you’re mine. You have been from the moment you walked into the support group that day looking lost and frightened. I didn’t realize it at the time. I know you’re scared. Hell, I am, too. But I’m not willing to lose this thing between us over fear. We’ve both been given a second chance at things. Let’s not squander it.” He smoothed down her hair. “Listen, don’t make any decisions now. Let it all sink in and let’s enjoy our dinner together. We’ll talk all this over tonight at home, okay?”

I can do that. She nodded. “I like that plan.”

“Good.” He placed a sweet kiss on her forehead and she melted a little inside. Who knew such a rough man could be so damn gentle?

He lifted her off the bike and she marveled at how small and protected he always made her feel. After years of walking around feeling like the sky could come down around her at any second, it was a comfort she craved constantly. Her feet touched the ground, and he tucked her arm into his in a gentlemanly nature that made every protest she thought of feel null and void.

They walked toward the dark brick building trimmed in large white lights. When they stepped inside, it was like going through a time warp. The hall was covered in a curved ceiling with exposed brick that made the rich mahogany paneling on the walls and dark wood on the floor stand out. A woman dressed in smart black slacks, and a black button down greeted them with a bright smile.

“Welcome to The Precinct. I’m Sarah, I’ll be your Maître de for the evening.”

“Hi, Sarah, we have a reservation for Kolton at 8:30,” Snake said.

Es surveyed the area, charmed by the attention to details. High ceilings were accented by dazzling chandeliers of various shapes and spirals. Her eyes lingered on the spiral shapes with hanging crystals.

“Right this way, please.”

As they followed the tall brunette, Es took in the other rooms. The exposed brick continued throughout the restaurant. The black and white tiled floor stood out beneath the rich mahogany stools, and the large wraparound bar. The antique lamps created a feeling of opulence and craftsmanship rarely experienced in daily life. They were led into a room surrounded by stained glass windows. The tables were covered with crisp white lines. Napkins folded in large triangular shapes rested on the table in front of white plates trimmed in gold. I feel like a princess in a castle.

“Thank you, Sarah,” Snake said.

“It’s my pleasure. Your waitress, Heather, will be by shortly to take your order.” Sarah slipped away as Snake pulled out a chair.

Es sank into the plush chair. “This place is gorgeous,” she whispered.

“Yes it is,” he replied, never taking his eyes off her.

Heat filled her cheeks. She never knew a man could look hungry and enchanted at the same time. For all his tattoos, scars, and large frame, he had an inner romantic that wouldn’t quit. How could I even think of walking away from this man? She tried to think of her days without him—no texts, phone calls, visits, or plans. She’d only see him at work, and even then they’d be polite and distant. Her stomach rolled. It was inconceivable. He was her light in the dark. I am head over heels for this man. The bottom dropped out of her world, and she watched him with new eyes. He seated himself across from her and smiled. The toothy grin changed his entire appearance.

A tiny blonde with bright blue eyes and a large breasts came to their table.

“Good evening, I’m Heather, and I’ll be your waitress today,” she announced. Her gaze lingered on Snake, and Es’s hackles rose. Mine. The reaction sealed the deal. He’s got me. Time to stop fighting against gravity. Narrowing her eyes, she snapped her teeth; Heather jerked and put her professional face back on. As she stared Snake down, daring him to make a comment, he smirked and covered his amusement with a cough. It was official, they were a them. Instead of anxiety, she felt liberated.


Full of food and a little booze, she leaned against him as they made their way toward his bike.

“My place or yours?” he asked.

“Your choice,” she said.

He arched an eyebrow. “Mine.” There’s that word again. “I think I’ll take the scenic route. You seemed to be having such a good time earlier.”