She stepped away to make their drinks feeling lighter than she had in the past few days. Snake was a bundle of raw nerves as he met with the lawyer, researched the Miles’, and worked on a point of contact. It pained him knowing where his daughter was and not being able to get her. The bidding war on the house didn’t help. He’d fallen in love with the two story red brick home with its wraparound front porch, large yard, and deck. It was a beautiful home just waiting to be filled by a family. The fact that St. Agnes was in walking distance added to its appeal.

“What have I missed?” Jole asked as Es returned from delivering a fresh round of drinks to the group seated on the opposite side of the bar.

“Nothing much. Work’s pretty much taken the place of schooling. I love it here. There are always new people with interesting stories.”

“And your beau?”

Es snickered at the world beau. “Good. Don’t know if that’s the title I’d give him just yet.”

“Hmm. I would,” Jole said swirling her drink.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Es asked.

“His eyes said a lot. The intensity was almost alarming.”

“Eh, he’s my support,” Es replied in an attempt to downplay the relationship they had yet to define. “What’ve I missed on your end?”

“Not much, the kids miss you and told us to invite you over for dinner soon,” Todd said.

“I’d like that. Next Sunday maybe?”

“Perfect,” Jole agreed.

Her phone buzzed. “Excuse me a second,” she said, stepping off to the side. Normally cell phones were frowned on, but Kal knew all about the house hunting. She saw the agent’s name flash on the screen.

“Hello,” she answered, moving to the corner of the bar.

“Ms. Noll?”


“They’ve accepted your bid! Congratulations, you and Mr. Kolton are home owners.”

“Oh, that is excellent news!” she gushed.

“We’ll meet up tomorrow at say noon to finalize everything.”

“I’ll be there. Thank you again, Martha.” Finally, some good news.


She left the bar just after three and made a quick stop at the twenty-four-hour drugstore before heading to the clubhouse. It was a standard practice she called Snake once she got home after work. Parking her car, she stepped out, amazed at how things had changed since she first came here. Grabbing her purse, she climbed out and rushed to the door, riding high on the good news. She knocked and smiled up at the peephole.

“Hey, Sprite. I wasn’t expecting you,” Sneak said.

“Yeah, neither is Snake. It’s a surprise.”

“I don’t think he’s going to mind, doll face,” Sneak said.

“Do you know where he is?”

“Last I saw him, in his dorm.”

“Thank you,” she called over her shoulder before she made her way through the crowd and down the hallway.

She knocked on the door, and he opened it. Locks of hair fell into his eyes. His sleepy expression made him seem years younger.

“Es, what’s wrong, sweet girl?”