He ran his fingers through her hair. “Why not?”

“Because it confuses everything. I was trying to draw lines.”

His heart sank. “Draw lines? Is that what you want?”

“Isn’t it what you want?” she countered, her voice so soft he had to strain to hear her.

“Did I say that?” He tucked his pointer finger beneath her chin and forced her to look at him.

“That day after we first kissed you left without a word,” she said with a shrug.

“I wrote a note.”

“Yes, and we never spoke about it again. I thought maybe you regretted it.”

“This shit I’m knee deep in has had me all twisted up and distracted. If I had thought for one second you doubted me…” He trailed off sucking in a deep breath. “I want everything you’re willing to give. I’m trying like hell to pace myself. Neither of us has had a real relationship in a long time, and I know you’re not fully healed yet. I can’t be a rebound.”

She blinked up at him owlishly. He cursed the way he’d put himself out there.

“You want me?” she whispered.

“Sprite, if you haven’t realized this by now, I already have you. What I want is more.”

“I-I don’t.”

“So you’ll buy a house for me, decorate, help me raise my child, and be placed on my bank account, but won’t try for a relationship?”

“I didn’t have a choice there. You sprang that on me.”

“You always have a choice, Sprite.”

She narrowed her eyes. “I wanted to help you.”


“Because you needed me.”

“Why did that matter?”

She pursed her lips.

“Go ahead, say it.”

“Because I care about you.”

“And I care about you. We’ll go at snail’s pace. But I’ll be kissing those lips more, and if you try to pull back, I’m going to remind you of all the reasons why the risk is worth it.”

“You came straight to me?”

“Drove the entire trip through Mother Nature’s temper tantrum and made the prospects wait in the van.”

“Oh no. That’s awful, Snake.”

He laughed. “There’s the sweet girl I left behind.”

