“I found her, Es, and she’s so fucking beautiful.”

“Tell me everything.”

“She was adopted by a wealthy couple in Lexington. That’s all I know so far, but I had to call.”

“That’s excellent, Snake! I am so excited for you. I knew you’d find her.”

“Now I have to figure out how to get her.”

“Hey, one step at a time, remember?”

“Yeah.” He shook his head. Is this really happening? “If this is a dream, I don’t want to wake up.”

“Maybe today is a lucky day. I have a couple of houses I feel really good about seeing.”

“How many bedrooms?” Snake asked.


“Good, that’ll give you your own.”


“Come on, she’ll be scared of me at first. You’re sweet, tiny, and skillful with children.”

“I’m not a live-in nanny.”

“No, you’re my best friend, which automatically makes you Godmother.”

“I don’t think that’s how it works.”

“It’s how it works for me, Sprite. You think I’d give just anyone the Power of Attorney?”

“I think I’m a convenience.”

“The fuck you say?” he asked.

“I’m here, I have the time, and I’m willing to help you. Let’s make sure we’re not turning this into something else.”

“What the hell, Es?”

“Listen, I need to go. I have to be there on time to meet the realtor.”

The dial tone felt like a slap in the face. They were working toward more. What happened over the past few days to make her close herself off? Worry for the woman who held him down spr

ung up. We need to get out of here anyway. The longer we stay, the more fingers may point our way. They’d moved to a hotel outside of town a few days back, but he wouldn’t put it past the people here to remember the face or cars of strangers. He returned to the room and rounded up his crew, giving the direction to head back home. The van and the borrowed plates would be retired. They pulled out of the hotel forty-five minutes later, and he swore to himself Es had little to do with it.


The rain was coming down heavily as he pulled up in front of Es’s apartment. She’d made an offer on a beautiful four-bedroom, walking distance from an established private school. He hadn’t seen it in person, but that was the last thing in his mind. Tomorrow he, Mike, and the club lawyer would get together to talk about options. Right now was all about Es. After he knocked on the door, he shoved his hands in his pockets. A chill had settled into his bones and his belly. She opened the door in an off the shoulder dark grey sleep outfit that made him drool. Her legs were exposed up to her upper thighs, and her collar bone looked good enough to eat.

“What are you doing here?”

He stepped in, forcing her to back up.

“I didn’t like the way you sounded on the phone. What the hell happened over the past few days, Es?”

“Nothing.” She shook her head, refusing to look at him.