Es snickered despite her exhaustion. “Yeah, he’s getting the better end of the deal.”

“You better make sure you throw in some nice things for you, too,” Kali said with a wink.

“Now you’re encouraging me to abuse his money?” Es asked.

“Yes, because I know you don’t want to. Always make sure you’re getting a little bit back because men get so caught up in what they have going they can be neglectful.”

“I’m not even going to try to decipher Kali logic. Right now I need a real estate agent and a coffee, not in that order.”

“Well let’s get you a coffee while I call the club real estate person. They know how to get shit done fast. You need to put that beautiful brain of yours to work because they’re going to ask you what you’re looking for and where.”

“I feel a migraine coming on,” Es muttered, rubbing her throbbing temples.

“Come on, I’ll feed you. I was instructed not to let you miss any meals.”

“That man is trying to make me a giant.”

“Only your ass,” Kali said.


“It’s your ass he wants to get fat.”


“Your ass,” Kali replied, grinning. “You’re…umm, a little fair for his taste.”

“Fair-skinned?” Es guessed.

Kali nodded.

What is it he sees in me? I’m not even his type.

“Everyone has a type, and Snake is no exception. There’s a reason I asked you if you had the Midas touch earlier. That being said, I think you’re good for him. He’s obviously trying to get his shit together now.”

Es bit the inside of her cheek to keep her silence. If he hadn’t told Kali, it wasn’t her place to update her. She’s going to start wondering when I buy things for a little girl. I need to talk to Xavier about that.

“We’re not like that you know. I don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea,” Es said. She thought back to the night before. The kiss had placed butterflies in her belly and a flood between her legs. Too bad I have no clue if it meant anything. She woke to find him gone and a lengthy note in his place.

Kali shook her head. “Honey, not even you believe that.”

Es looked away.

“Come on, coffee, food, and research,” Kali said, pulling her from the chair.


She was on overload when the phone rang and Snake’s name flashed on the screen.

“It’s Snake, I’m going to take this outside,” Es said, stepping out onto the back patio of Kali’s home.

“Hey, how are you doing?”

“I’m feeling a bit murderous.”

“Shit. What happened?”

“You! Power of Attorney and adding me to your bank info. Talk about blindsiding me.”