
“This place doesn’t have much in the way of accommodations, but it does have room service thanks to the restaurant it’s connected to. What sounds good?”

“Oatmeal and toast?”

“With a side of bacon, and some fruit, check,” Snake said, making her laugh. He had a way of getting you to do what he wanted without being overbearing. I can see why he’s Vice President.

“Is it okay if I hop in the shower first?” she asked.

“Go for it.”

She grabbed her bag and wheeled into the bathroom. It was amazing how things had developed. What started off as a fluke had blossomed into a genuine relationship she considered vital to her sanity.

Too much food later she was back in her car with Snake draped over its frame.

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” she asked eyeing him carefully.

“Right as rain. At least, as much as I can be.”

“And you’ll call me if you aren’t?”

He smiled. “Yeah, Es. I’ll call. I don’t lose my shit too often. So I’m pretty sure I fulfilled my quota for the next year.”

“Smart ass. I worry.”

“You shouldn’t. That’s my job,” he said.

“I think it goes both ways,” she countered.

“Get out of here, and stop arguing with me, Sprite,” he growled and bent in, brushing her cheek w

ith his lips.

Her face tingled and her belly clenched. Things were changing between them.



He stood in front of the familiar apartment numb. In just a few days his life had once again exploded. His face was numb, and his body was stiff from driving in the frigid weather. He’d spend the past two weeks hunting down Paul Smith, Jacob Sanders, and T.J. Perkins with his brothers. They’d all meet their maker, but not before confirming Hiram’s words to be truth.

Despite the torture, Hiram continued to hold his tongue. The old bastard knew it was the one thing keeping him breathing. How could he let him walk? This man was responsible for everything that happened to his family. How could he not? He ran a shaky hand through his hair. He’d set off on the road to clear his head and somehow ended up in front of Es’s door.

What right do I have to bring her into this? The more she knows the more dangerous it is for her. There was no one else he could bring this though. He knocked and leaned against the doorframe, suddenly exhausted. He’d been catching sleep in small three to four hour intervals, running on fumes and living off of junk. It all caught up with him now that he slowed down. Es opened the door.

“Oh, Snake.” A frown marred her rosy red lips. Has she been making out with someone? Anger that stopped just shy of rage descended. “You don’t look so good. Please come in.”

“You have someone else here?” His voice was low and gravely.

She blinked. “Well yes, but she was just leaving. Isn’t that right, Jole?”

“I’m not so sure I should,” a woman said.

He focused his attention on the older woman who stood with her arms crossed and her gaze full of contempt.

“This is him, right? Support. The one who has you working at Rain, and forgetting who you once were.”

“No one is making me do anything,” Es snapped.