“Well I have been learning from the best.”

“You really do have a mouth on you once you open up.”

“I got that from you, too,” she said, happy to hear the shift in his mood.

“I must be a pretty good teacher then.”

“That you are. Better?”

“A little. The worst part about losing a child is not being able to bring them home or know what their final moments were like. Even if they were awful, I need to know.”

She wanted to ask why, but didn’t. This was past her pay grade, and the last thing she wanted to do was set him back off. “I hope you get the closure you deserve, Xavier.”

“Believe me, I’m working on that.”

His words were dangerous, and his voice held a tone she’d never heard him use before. It sent a chill up her spine.

A knock sounded on his end. “I have to go. I’ll call you later, yeah?”

“I’ll be here,” she said, suddenly very concerned about his business trip.


“Have you thought any more about what you want to do after graduation on Friday? I know they help you with job placement,” Jole asked.

The innocent question put her on the spot. “I’m narrowing my decision.”

“Where are you thinking about?” she asked, flipping through her menu. Todd was manning the drop-off and pick up of the kids, so they’d opted for an impromptu coffee and dessert at their favorite local diner.

“Well, the thing is, I found a place.”

“What? Why didn’t you tell me?” Jole asked as she finished off the final bite of her pecan pie.

“Because I wasn’t sure if I wanted to commit to it or not. I went in for an interview and took time to think it over.”

“Makes sense. What restaurant did you go with?” Jole asked. Her face lit up, and she leaned forward over the table.

“I didn’t.”

The corners of Jolene’s mouth turned down and her thick eyebrows arched. “I’m not following you.”

“It’s a club. You might have heard of it… Rain.”

“Rain?” Jole repeated the name. Her eyes went out of focus. “Wait. The place near downtown!”

“That’s the one.”

“That place has been raided and is known to cater to bikers, Estelle. I don’t care how swank it looks on the inside, it isn’t safe.”

“I don’t agree.”

“How did you even find out about this job? Is this what that school is offering you?” Jole asked, spitting out the world school like it left a bad taste in her mouth.

“No, Snake got me the gig. He works there, so it’s not like I’d be on my own.”

“Wait. Who?” Jole asked shaking her head.

“Snake…my support.”