“Hey, man, that’s your spot. You own the deed on it.”

“But I want your blessing,” Snake said.

“You think she can be trusted if she happens to see something?” Mike asked.

“Yeah, man, she’s loyal as hell.”

“Then go ahead and put her on. But have Kali watch her, make sure she’s up for it. We get a wild bunch in there and she’ll need to keep her mouth shut. It might be a good idea to figure out where you stand with her if you plan on having her stick around.”

“She’s not going anywhere,” Snake stated.

“Careful there, you’re starting to sound like you care,” Mike said.

“I do, more than I should,” Snake murmured.

“Make sure you don’t get so caught up you lose your focus, brother. You could be walking into a minefield.”

“I got my head on straight,” Snake promised.

“Keep it that way,” Mike said before the dial tone sounded in his ear.

He made another call to Es.

“Hey, you’re calling early,” she said. Her voice was light and airy and he could imagine the bright s

mile on her face. When she was happy, she had the power to light up an entire room.

“I’ll be heading out of town for a business trip soon and I wanted to get a few things set up first. I talked to my boss at Rain. He’d like to put you on a trial basis. You’ll have ninety days to see if the club and you are a good fit.”

“Are you serious?” she asked breathlessly.

He laughed. “Yeah, I take it you’re still interested?” He forced himself to keep his tone neutral not wanting to sway her one way of the other. This was her decision to make.

“Yes, of course I am.”

“Good. I’m going to set up a meeting this week for you and my co-manager, Kali, if you’re up for it. I don’t want to leave and have you waiting on me.”

“I’m game. Wow. I can’t thank you enough, Xavier.”

The sound of his given name on her lips warmed him.

“Hey, it was no problem. Do you think you can come by the club tonight if I can set it up?”

“Tell me the time and place and I’ll be there,” she said.

“How about tonight at four-thirty? The bar will be going through the opening procedures, but the doors don’t open until six o’clock.”

“That works.”

“Listen, I don’t want you to feel obligated. Come down, meet with Kali, feel the place out, and then make your decision.”

“Will you be there?”

“You want me to be?”


“Then I’ll be there,” he said, determined to be there if she needed him. He wouldn’t trade the newfound peace he found for his thirst for revenge. He could balance them both.