She glanced down and her cheeks turned pink.

Biting his tongue, he focused on cutting the superbly cooked cut of meat in front of him. Slightly pink on the inside with a nice char, it was impressive. Silence descended as they began to eat, and he found it didn’t bother him. Maybe my family circle is opening. I got room. He liked that she didn’t push him to talk. Right now, being here with her felt like enough. It was a startling thought. He shoved a piece of steak in his mouth and hummed.

“You can cook a mean steak,” he said.

“One of my many hidden talents,” she said. She seemed more relaxed today. Her lips weren’t drawn into a thin line and the lines around her eyes were fainter. “How are you?”

“Better,” he answered, taking a sip of Scotch.

They continued in a blissful state of semi-peace he clung to. He needed it to get him through the fresh bout of insanity he was battling.



“So what happened after you rushed me out last night?” Jolene asked.

Estelle laughed. “How long did you force yourself to wait before you called to grill me?” she asked.

“Long enough. Stop trying to distract me,” she said huffily.

“He came over because he needed support. It wasn’t a date.”

“Hey, he busted up a good girl’s night. It must’ve been important. You’re not one to flake out on those.”

“He was there for me. I owed him.”

“Uh huh. What did Mr. Mysterious think of your makeover?”


“What? It’s an honest question.”

“He asked me if we were going out to eat,” she muttered.

Jolene howled.

“Oh, laugh it up, you hyena. What did Mr. Todd think of your sexy surprise?”

Jolene gasped. “He liked it very much according to the bruises I’m sporting.”

“Oh shit!” Estelle exclaimed, shocked by her rawness.

“It was unbelievable! His actions said more than any words ever could. We both agreed to sit down and talk over dinner this weekend.”


“Yes, we booked seats on a River Boat tour that’s going out.”

“Good for you!”

“Yeah,” Jolene giggled.

“You’re giddy.”

“I am. This feels like it could be a fresh start.”

“It is. The kids will be leaving home soon. You need to make sure you two are okay.”