“I feel like I’m in college again,” Jolene said with a light-hearted giggle.

“Me too.” They entered the store, and she took in the neatly sectioned areas.

“Where do we start?” Jolene asked.

“An outfit. Nothing says ‘fuck me like you mean it’ like the right outfit.”

“Estelle,” Jolene gasped.

“What? I know you’re leery of talking to him, so you need to be expressive in a different way.”

“What if he shuts me down?” Jolene whispered, hesitating as they approached a rack of lingerie.

“Girl, you’re hot as hell. I know twenty-year-olds who don’t have bodies like yours. Put that Pilates, running, and weight lifting bod to good use. He must love the ways you can bend your body.”

Jolene smiled. “Hmmm.”

“You keep your secrets, you wily fox. Come on, we need to get your mojo back.”

“What about your groove, Stella?” Jolene said.

“Hardy, har, har. I might get some things to help with self-entertaining, but I have no man to entice.”

“What about your support?”

“Never said support was a male.”

“But you didn’t say it was a female either,” Jolene said giddily.

Estelle sighed. “It’s not like that. It’s purely a friend thing. If you can even call it that.”

Jolene began to sift through the pieces. “So why are you being so secretive?”

Because I know he’d scare you to death. “He’s just not what you’d expect.”

“Hah, so it is a he! I knew it. And what do you mean?”

“He’s not a clean-cut, nine-to-five type,” Estelle replied.

“Why would I judge him on that?”

She shrugged. Because he belongs to a freaking motorcycle club and doesn’t give a fuck about the norms of society.

“I know I’ve been overprotective recently, but I’m still your best friend. I want you to feel like you can come to me with anything.”

“I do. I mean, look at where we are,” Estelle said.

“True. This is it!” Jolene held up a red teddy with a bustier top and black lace overlay.

“That’s going to look fabulous on you,” Estelle said.

“Okay, I’ve got my outfit. What about you?”

“Me?” Estelle browsed the section. Her eyes caught sight of a pair of black boy shorts with handprints on the back. “Done.” Her thoughts drifted back to her support. He seemed the type to like things a little kinky. His big hands would probably be calloused and slightly rough. Her cheeks grew hot. What the hell am I doing thinking about him like this? They’d formed a kinship the night before, and she didn’t need to ruin it by catching a school girl crush. Still, she grabbed the panties and the set that said ‘it’s not gonna spank itself’. The thought of wearing the flirty underwear under her plain clothes gave her a thrill. She might not be having sex, but she could wear a ‘just in case’ set of undies. It was a small, silly thing, but it felt huge.

