His proclamation silenced the doubtful voices inside of her mind and cemented his commitment level. Her lips twitched up at the corners. She glanced down to hide her pleasure from the others. What they had was new. Therefore, she would protect it.

“DO YOU FEEL BETTER?” Micah asked.

“Knowing there’s nothing demonic in my place? Yes.”

“I sense a but coming.” Micah handed her an Angry Orchard Rose.

“Everything is still so up in the air.”

“You’ve got a roof over your head for as long as you want it, an answer to the immediate questions that concerned us, and me.”

“I like how you threw yourself in there, too,” she said dryly.

“I have to keep you on your toes.” He winked.

She rolled her eyes. “You told them about us.”

“I’ve never been one for secrets, and I wasn’t going to watch you be put into a position where you felt you had to lie. I’m not ashamed of you or anything we’re doing.” He held out his hand. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

“To where?”

“Somewhere we can take our mind off everything and eat without having to worry about cleaning anything up. May I take you on a date?”

“Yes.” She felt giddy as she placed her hands in his and he helped her stand from the couch. “I should change.”

“No. You look perfect the way you are.”

If she was the swooning type, her legs would be wobbling. She followed him to the door, and they bundled up and slipped out into the evening.

Leaning back in her seat, she enjoyed the heat pouring out of the vent as he drove.

“My brother, Asher, and I discovered this place when we were looking for something fun to do. I think you’ll like it.”

“I’m putting my trust in your judgment.” She studied the tall brick buildings and stonework. It was unlike anything one would see in California. Ohio had a history that they’d proudly upheld, converting older buildings and using them for modern businesses. It created a unique charm she admired. With Micah as her tour guide, things had gotten a lot less lonely and more enjoyable.

Going to the bourbon bar with her co-workers had cracked the ice. It might’ve taken three months, but she was finally starting to craft a new life. They parked in a lot, and made their way down the sidewalk, coming to a stop in front of a building with a pixilated figure. Large glass windows dominated the front of the building. An outside deck stood out on the right-hand side of the door.

“This is 16-Bit Bar.” He opened the door, and she preceded him inside. The center bar was a wooden work of art. The multicolored wooded backboard matched the bar that was lined with the stools. Everywhere she looked she saw arcade games. On the left-hand side, there was a row of stools set up in front of large screens where people were also playing games via controllers.

“This place is amazing.”

“Wait ’til you see the drinks.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and guided her to the bar. “They don’t serve food, but we’ll place a takeaway order at The Eagle. They have stellar food. How do brown sugar bacon, fried chicken, and fries sound?”


“Then I shall make it happen, my lady.” She listened to him order as she browsed a menu and laughed. The Patrick Swayze, Macho Man, and Bill Nye. The pop culture references were through the roof, and they worked.

“Our food will be ready in about thirty minutes.”

“Well I have to honor the eighties queen, so I’ll start with the Molly Ringwald. The cucumber vodka, grapefruit, simple syrup, and Sprite combined with a salted rim sounded refreshing.”

“I’m going to start off with the Slush Puppie.” They took a seat at the end of the bar, and the bartender in the black company hoodie and matching ball cap walked toward them.

“How are you guys doing tonight?”

“We’re doing good. Can we start off with a Molly Ringwald and a Slush Puppie?”

“Sure can. I’ll get them started for you. Do you want to keep a tab?”