“Having it just appear in the shower like that violated my privacy. If they can show up there, what’s to stop them from showing up anywhere at any time? I feel paranoid.” The anger in her voice pained him. She expected so much of herself. “I can’t stop looking over my shoulder and turning my head because I think I see a shadow out of the corner of my eye.”

“That’s all normal. You just went through another traumatic event. Both were unexpected. It’s okay to react and process.”

“You’re shrink talking me.” She frowned.

“I’m logically walking you through,” he contradicted.

“And yet, you remained unmoved.” She gestured toward him with a sweeping motion.

Unable to let her believe she was alone, he let down his walls. “I’m not. I have a million different thoughts running through my head all the time. The pressure to do right by my family and my team is a constant struggle. Above all else, I fear failure. There are many people constantly counting on me, and I want to do right by all of them. The ghosts that haunt us aren’t always an outside fixture. We torture ourselves fine without outside influe


“Seems like we could both use a distraction.”

He winked. “That’s what the movie was for, pretty lady.”

She leaned in and batted her lashes comically. “What else could a boy and girl do for a little distraction?”

“Why don’t I show you?” He leaned in, holding her eye contact as their lips brushed. Her pupils dilated, and her lips parted with a sigh. He brushed her lips again and hovered millimeters from the delectable pink mouth he wanted to devour. “Do you want that, Daize?” She swallowed. He forced himself to wait for her response. She’d lost enough control. This needed to be on her command.

“Only if you make it worth my while.” Her sassy response made him chuckle.

“I must warn you, I take challenges very seriously, and I always play to win.” He cupped the back of her neck and slipped his tongue between her parted lips. She tasted like butter from the popcorn and possibilities for the future. Humming, she stroked her tongue alongside his. They sparred. Parry, thrust, and advance. They fought a silent battle for control. Giving and taking, he explored her mouth as he massaged her neck. She tilted her head back and moaned as he found a knot and worked it loose. Kissing his way down her throat, he nipped gently at her skin. She pressed closer, and speared her fingers in his hair, caressing his scalp with her perfectly manicured nails. A shiver ran down his spine.

He pulled away, breathing hard, and rested his forehead against hers. “It’s late, and our emotions are still running high. I don’t want to move too fast and screw this up. I have a habit of leaping before I look. Not this time.” His relationships tended to burn hot until they were exhausted and he and the girl in question drifted apart. What he sensed from Daize was worth protecting.

She breathed heavily. “Y-you’re right.” Her voice sounded smaller and uncertain.

He cupped her face. “It’s not for lack of want.” He glanced at the clock. Two a.m.

She yawned. “Oh, excuse me.”

“It’s getting late, and we both have work in the morning. You won’t hurt my feelings if you want to crash.”

“You know, I might be able to sleep now. Thank you for the distraction.” She smiled.

“The pleasure was all mine.”

She stood. “Aren’t you turning in, too?”

“I want to update the team and make a few notes for research purposes first. I’ll be right behind you. Please help yourself to anything in the kitchen. There are towels in the linen closet along with spare toothbrushes. My siblings crash here all the time, so I keep it stocked.”

“You sound close. It must be nice.”

“It’s a double-edged sword. But I wouldn’t trade them for the world.”

“Good night, Micah.”

“Night.” He watched her walk out of the room and waited until she disappeared before he stood and began to gather sage incense. Lighting it around the home, he prayed the spirit haunting her was attached to the property and not the woman. While she slept, he keep watch until the witching hour passed and prayed he hadn’t invited anything sinister into his home.

“YOU SEEM DISTRACTED today. What’s going on with you?” Luka leaned against the table in the breakroom, facing him. It was just like his eldest brother to corner him and hit him with the tough questions. Despite the fact that they were all grown, he continued to act as their pseudo father.

Micah glanced up at his older brother and sighed. Lying felt wrong. He considered his words as he added sugar and creamer to the late day boost of caffeine they were consuming in the breakroom.

“I’m working on my lead first case. They’re letting me take the lead and direct the team. It’s awesome, but this case is tricky. There’s a lot of activity occurring, and we’ve yet to figure out why.”

“I know you want to prove yourself, but you can’t help others if you don’t take better care of yourself. The dark circles aren’t a good look. You appear to be doing your best impression of a freshman in the throes of their first round of finals.”