Reaching over the table, he covered her hands with his. “You’re no longer alone in this, Daize. We want the same goal. I can’t promise you it’ll be an easy fix, but we will be there for you every step of the way.”

Her full lips parted to reveal a dazzling white smile with a crooked eyetooth. The sight stole his breath. Stressed and scared, she was still stunning. He was dazzled.

Chapter Two


Micah pulled the black peacoat tighter as the wind tugged at whatever it could reach. The massive stone building loomed in front of them. Four stories of solid brick with turrets and molding along the edges that reminded him of a castle. The base was white, and the rest was a candy brick broken up with Gothic molding. The older detailing gave the exterior a majestic appearance. Daize agreed to meet them here at nine o’clock. They’d arrived early to get a feel for the property. He craned his neck.

The moonlight shone down on the building, highlighting its beauty. The chill that settled over him could’ve been from the weather. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he walked the perimeter, opening his senses, and observing the wooded area surrounding them. Nothing. He turned to Carl who trailed behind him.

“Anything?” Micah asked.

“Not yet. It’s quiet. Perhaps unnaturally so in a building this old.”

Micah cocked his head to the side and studied the building again. “You think it’s hiding?”

“It wouldn’t be the first time,” Carl said.

“That would make this thing intelligent.”

“Yes, I believe we’re dealing with more than a residual haunting given the activity.”

“I’m worried it might be an inhuman spirit as well, my friend.” Micah had learned to hear the things the quiet man didn’t say. They were supposed to remain objective, but facts were facts. It took a hell of a lot of energy to move things. If Daize hadn’t been exaggerating, a lot of power had been exerted. It hadn’t attempted to hurt her yet. He cleared his head of speculation. He needed to go into this with no expectations.

He finished the walk around. His phone vibrated and her name appeared on the screen.


“Hey, I’m here in the parking lot.”

“We were walking the perimeter. I’ll meet you and introduce you to the team, and then you can take me up to your apartment.”

“Should you enter alone?”

“It’s important I put away anything that could influence our medium as he does a walk through. I’ve kept the conversation we had between us to allow the crew to remain objective. They only know the bare basics of this case.”

“Oh. Okay.” Her voice is shaky.

“Daize. It’s going to be okay. Take a deep breath, and remember you have a whole team of people here working for you. We’re all in this together, okay?”

“I remember.” Her voice sounded calmer and more confident. The effect that he had on her pleased him.

“I’m coming around now, which car is yours?”

“You can’t miss it. It’s the aquamarine Mini Cooper.”

“Of course it is, beach lover.”

“I’m half Hawaiian, and my father was a pro surfer. It’s in my blood.” He could hear the smile in her voice.

Mission accomplished. He’d always been good at distraction. As one of five, he’d learned early on it was easier than the more direct approach his eldest brother, Luka, took. “See you in a few.”

He spotted the car with the starfish along the top of the front window and a mermaid pendant hanging from the rearview mirror. She stepped out of the car warily.

“Hi, Daize. This is my team ... Brendon and Maria are the ones who started the team. Eric and Scott are our technical gurus and cameramen, Mel and Trisha our are spiritual advisors, and Carl is our medium. Guys, this is Daize.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Daize said quietly.