“Don’t even joke about that.” She slapped his arm playfully, and he laughed. “I’ve had all of the paranormal activity I can take.”

He maneuvered into a parking space and killed the engine. “When I was a kid, this was my absolute favorite place to go to. As I got older, it remained a retreat. I’d walk around aimlessly, checking out the animals, and working my way through the issues and change of adolescence.”

“It’s like the beach for me,” Daize said.

“Yeah, I’d imagine it was.”


you want to share this with me?” she whispered.

“I want to show you who I am, beyond the exterior and hang-ups you’ve already had a front row seat to.”

“Are you trying to apologize to me for still grieving your parents?” He turned away. She cupped his chin, forcing his gaze back to hers. The sincerity in her eyes softened him “Because you don’t get to do that. I understand. For the record, I think it was them. They stepped in and saved you, because a parent’s love is eternal.”


“Yeah.” She bopped his nose, and he laughed as he swatted her hand away.

“Come on. I have animals to see and bad food to eat. The zoo is a bit like the circus that way.”

“Don’t worry. You’ll walk it off here.”

They exited the car, linked arms, and strode over to the bridge that led them over the street and into the zoo. Seeing the zoo through fresh eyes was the boost of spirits he needed.

“I’m still trying to decide if Capybara are cute or terrifying.” Daize popped a piece of popcorn in her mouth as they studied the oversized, shaky, brown animal that looked like a cross between a bunny and a rodent.

“What?” Micah asked with a laugh.

“I mean, it’s cute and cuddly enough, but it’s not too far of a stretch to see it as a massive rat.”

“Don’t listen to her, guys. You’re adorable,” Micah called out.

“Yeah. Would you think that if you saw one coming at you in the middle of the night?”

He paused. “Well, we don’t live in Australia, so I’ll never have that experience.”

She laughed. “In other words, yes, too close to comfort on the giant rat angle.”

He mock scowled, sending her into another round of laughter that rang out sweet, pure, and music to his ears. He’d experienced so much anger, pain, and suffering last night. When the ghost grabbed him, he’d seen inside of their soul. The anguish, torment, depression, and steely grit were a flash that exploded like a bomb inside of him. As long as he lived, he would never forget what must’ve been a mere fraction of their true emotions.

To combat the darkness that had brushed him, he was soaking up as much joy as he could manage. They continued through the Wildlife Canyon, admiring he hooved beasts and rodents.

“It’s your turn to pick,” Daize said as she sipped her hot chocolate. A dollop of whipped cream remained on the tip of her nose. He wiped it off with his thumb, and she grinned sheepishly.

“All right, let’s go see two of my favorite exhibits. The otters and the wolves are in the same area. The wolves they have here are the smallest species known as the Mexican wolves are el lobo. But about forty minutes out of town there’s a wolf sanctuary called Wolf Creek Habitat that houses white wolves. They’re massive. Beautiful as all get out, but you never forget they’re wild, despite how playful they appear. Partially because they’re massive.”

“Have you gone?” she asked excitedly.

“I have. Our company actually donates to them every year. It’s an amazing thing they do. So many people think it’d be cool to have a wolf for a pet, never understanding they’re not dogs. Once they start to howl and the neighbors complain, or they get too big, they’re at a loss.”

“I can’t imagine being arrogant enough to decide I want to own a wolf. It’s enough to take care of myself.”

Micah snickered. “Yes, but you’re brilliant, and as a marine biologist, you understand animal behavior more than most. You understand even when domesticated, exotic animals are wild.”

“I’d love to see this place.”

“Well now is the best time to go. During the summer, they can get hot with their winter fur, and they close early. Plus, the photos are always best during spring and summer.”