The transformations possible with prosthetics, hair, and facial makeup is astounding. I think mainly with my left brain. Communicating efficiently, balancing numbers, and making deals can be done in my sleep. Creating things, expressing myself through an outlet is almost laughable. Luka and Kane were the only Davenports who took after our mother, the landscape artist. She oozed creativity and encouraged us to pursue our passions.

As the buzz dies down, the presentation begins, and I lose myself in learning.

“Hey. It’s your wife.” Micah points across the room. I follow his gesture to the curly-haired wig accompanied by a green dress and tan tights. “River Song” turns and I try my best not to gap like a fish out of water.

“Wait. Is that Clara?” Micah asks. Her eyes widen. “It is.” Micah laughs and waves. Clara waves back. Her friend, clearly dressed as a singing telegram carrying Amy Pond in her police woman vest with shorts and a matching hat, leads her over to us.

“Hello, sweetie,” Clara purrs, striking a pose as she wiggles her fingers. The wide grin on her red lips is contagious.

“We meet again,” I say.

“It’s kind of our thing, darling. Do try to keep up.”

“You’re a hard woman to keep the pace with, Ms. Son.”

“Funny, I feel the same way about my husband.”

“I take it you know one another,” her friend says, breaking the spell cast upon us.

“Yes, he’s the brother of one of my clients. They both are actually. Asher, Micah, this is my friend, Trisha.”

“It’s always nice to meet a fellow Whovian,” I say as we shake hands. The slender, auburn-haired girl with freckles is a shoe-in for Amy Pond. I like the curvy, brown-skinned version of River Clara is portraying more than I’d like to admit.

“I didn’t realize you liked horror,” I say.

“To be fair, there’s plenty you don’t know about me.” Clara smirks.

“True. That can be easily fixed. Name three of your top horror movies.”

“Oh, jeez. No pressure.” She frowns. “Off the top of my head. A Nightmare on Elm Street. Night of the Creeps and They Live. They’re all different types of horror films, so I feel well represented. How about you?”

“Aliens. The Conjuring, and Poltergeist.”

“I approve, Doctor.”

I wipe my brow. “That’s a relief.”

She rolls her eyes. The smile on her lips betrays her amusement.

“Shall we continue together, then?” Micah interrupts our banter.

The girls exchange a look and Clara nods.

“Where are you headed next?” Trisha asks.

“The vendors. We just spent the last hour in a class, so stretching our legs sounds good.”

“What class did you take?” Clara asks.

“The Paranormal Hunting panel,” Micah answers.

“Was it any good?” Trisha asks.

“It was really informative—”

“Creepy,” I interject.

Micah rolls his eyes.