My eyes burn with the unshed tears I continue to hold back. The clog in my throat threatens to choke me.

“She was three months pregnant when she went into cardiac arrest.” His head drops. “There wasn’t much they could do. No matter how many people you lose in life, good-bye never gets easier.” He slouches forward with his hands on his knees. I move closer, unsure if my touch will be welcome.

“I don’t know what to say, Asher.”

“I’m not looking for you to make things better. There are no words for situations like these. I guess I needed you to understand me. To see m

e for who I truly am.”

I place my hand over his. “I’ve always seen you, Asher. I don’t need to know every moment of your history for that.”

He lifts his head. His eyes are red-rimmed and glossy. “I never expected to meet anyone like you.” He runs the backs of his fingers down the side of my face.

“Like me?” I peer up at him through my lashes. “Is that a good thing or a bad one?”

“Good. Too good. You’re beautiful, kind, and impossible to ignore. I didn’t anticipate experiencing emotions like this again. I-I’m a bit of a mess. I’ve had two major tragedies in my life. They make this petrifying. But I could never live with myself if I continued to disregard this gift.”

“What?” My mouth goes dry. Is he calling me a gift?

He rests his forehead against mine. “This thing between us. You feel it, too, don’t you?”

I nod dumbly. Is this really happening?

“I tried to fight it. You deserve a man who’s whole.” Pulling away, he sighs heavily.

“You are whole,” I answer without thought.

He gives a bitter laugh. “I’m not sure if I know what that feels like.”

“Remembering the ones you loved doesn’t make you less put together than anyone else,” I argue vehemently.

“Clara. I’m rusty as hell at dating. This would be my … it’s my first time back on the scene—”

I place two fingers on his lips. “You’re being open and honest with me. That’s all I need from you.”

His eyes brighten. “You’re willing to give us a try?”

I cup his face and smile. Witnessing this uncertain version of the powerful man is endearing. The sexy, silver-tongued businessman always ready with a witty comment and polished manners is as human as the rest of us mere mortals. “Aren’t you tired of all this dancing around each other?” I tilt my head and smile.

“Yes, I am.” He nods his head. “When I come back from this trip?”

“I’ll be waiting.”


“What’s going on with you?” Luka shifts in his seat to face me from across the aisle in our private jet.

“What do you mean?” After a weeklong meeting with a new distributing company in New York, we’re on our way home.

“You’re different. You used to love the traveling, and now you rush to get back home. I can’t help but wonder what changed.”

I rub the back of my neck. “I’m dating again.”

“What?” His eyes widen comically. I snicker. It takes a lot to ruffle the family patriarch.

“It’s a recent decision Clara and I made before I left. That might be the reason for the anxiety you picked up on. I’m nervous about how this is going to change things for us.”

“As you should be. It’s a big deal. Why didn’t you say anything before now?” Luka asks. He swirls his bourbon. The round balls of ice gently clink against the glass as I struggle to find the right words.