Even I can sense the strained atmosphere.

“How about we go over the rules?” Duncan tries to redirect the conversation.

“I already know them,” Flynn and I respond at the same time.

“Okay. Then we’ll pick our people,” Rose says.

“I want Spock,” Flynn and I chorus again.

I narrow my gaze and focus on the man directly across from me. He grimaces. I bounce my leg. This isn’t the impression I wanted to make.

“I can choose another piece. You are the host.” The words cost me. I always play with Spock. I don’t like the change, but I know this is a polite response. The pieces are handed out, and Duncan begins to set up the board.

“So, what do you do, Sam?” Rose asks.

“I’m a freelance analyst.”

“What is that exactly?” Rose asks.

I pause. “I follow trends, make educated guesses, and overhaul for big companies looking to increase their productivity, gross income, et cetera. It allows me to work remotely, which I like.”

“Wow. Sounds like a lot of number crunching,” Duncan sounds impressed.

“I like numbers. They always stay the same.”

“Huh,” Rose nods. “That’s one way to look at it.”

“Now you’re speaking my language,” Duncan smiles. “I’m an accountant.”

“Ahhh.” I nod. “Once you learn the language, it’s easy.”

Duncan laughs. “Many would not agree with that.”

“Which is why you two get paid handsomely.” Rose gestures from Duncan to me with her finger.

Rose and Duncan seem nice. I think I could grow comfortable around them over time. Flynn is another story. He does his best to capture Delta’s attention whenever he can. After a full round of the game, I’m on the edge of what I can tolerate. I slip my phone from my pocket.

Sam: I’m ready to leave soon.

Delta: I’ll make it happen. Can you give me ten minutes?

Sam: Yes.

“Okay, guys. This has been fun, but I have a full day ahead of me tomorrow, and we have a shopping trip to go on, too, Rose,” Delta says.

Flynn scowls. “We never stop after one round.”

“Today we do,” Delta replies softly.

He blinks rapidly, and it clicks. He’s like me.

“You’re on the spectrum,” I say the words out loud without meaning to.

“Yes,” Flynn agrees.

“So am I.”

Rose squeaks.