Wrapping my arms around his neck, I buried my face against his body.

“We don’t have to tell anyone. Let’s just go do it.”

Drawing back, I felt a tear slip from my eye. Jonathon wiped it away. “Will you do me the honor of taking my last name and spending the rest of your life being a pain in my ass?”

My teeth sank into my lip as I nodded and whispered, “Yes.”

The knock on the door startled us both.

“You better not be getting it on in there, you bastard!” Cord shouted.

Jonathon’s brows lifted, and I covered my mouth to keep from laughing. He quickly walked to the door and opened it. Cord walked in and looked around.

“I was trying to have a private dance with my girl.”

My stomach dropped.

Jonathon Turner just asked me to marry him, and I said yes!

“Well, wrap it up. Waylynn,” Cord said. “It’s almost time. Mom and Dad just showed up.”

The nerves came back. Jonathon’s little fuckfest had helped me relax for all of two minutes.

Reaching for my hand, Jonathon guided me out of the office as Cord followed. Standing in the middle of the dance floor was my entire family: my parents, Aunt Vi, and every single one of my siblings. Tears fell like a dam had been broken as I covered my mouth and sobbed.

“Told ya she would cry!” Chloe yelled.

Pointing to my niece, I shook my head. “You little stinker!”

Steed put Chloe down, and she rushed over to me. She was dressed in her dance clothes and ready to go.

“I want to be your first student!”

My heart melted. “You’ll be my favorite student.”

When her arms wrapped around my neck, I closed my eyes and held her tight.

“I love you, Aunt Waylynn, and you’re going to kick butt.”

Squeezing her tighter, I replied, “I love you the most, kiddo.”

I let go of her, and she ran over to the middle of the dance studio and started to run in circles.

“I can’t believe y’all are here. Thank you!” I said as I made my way down the line of family, kissing and hugging each one.

When I got to Trevor, I laughed. “Just so you know, this is not the place to pick up women. They’re pretty much all going to be married with kids.”

Tossing his head back, Trevor laughed. “Damn, here I thought it was new meat!”

“Trevor Parker!” our mother said, hitting him on the back of the head.

“It’s almost time! Okay, I need everyone to be in your spots.”

“Spots?” I asked.

Amelia winked. “Yep. Everyone has a station. Steed and Paxton are in the ballet room with Gage and Chloe.”

Chloe beamed. “I’m going to show them the ballet moves you’ve taught me.”

I looked from Chloe to Amelia. “Oh, that’s just brilliant.”

“I minored in marketing. I’ve got this shit.”

Laughing, I shook my head and motioned for her to keep talking.

“Mom and Dad are behind the lobby desk ready to sign people up. Cord, Mitchell, Corina, and Tripp are ready to give tours.”

“And Trevor?” I asked, waiting to hear the response.

“His job is to flirt with the women.”

I nodded. “Right. Just let him do what he does best!”

We both started laughing. “Good call.” She said.

“What do you need me to do?” Jonathon asked.

“If you can help me keep the drinks and food stocked, I think that will be it.”

“It’s time! It’s time!” my mother cried out.

I took in a deep breath and slowly blew it out. Jonathon pulled me into his arms.

“It’s going to be great. Please, don’t stress. When you stress, I stress. And if you break out into tears again, I’m afraid my man card will be stripped from me by your brothers ‘cause I’m goin’ to bawl, too.”

Laughing, I buried my face into his chest before looking into his grey eyes.

“You’ve got this.”

With another deep breath, I blew it out and replied, “I’ve got this. Even if we have five people sign up today, I’ll be happy!”

He gave me another kiss and stepped out of my way.

“Okay, y’all! This is it!”

I raised the shades and was stunned at what I saw before me.

“Holy. Shit,” Amelia and I said at the same time. There was a line of people standing outside the dance studio.

“Is that old lady Hopkins standing next to Mrs. Johnson?” I asked.

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Johnson won’t let her cause any trouble,” Amelia added.

“Open the door, sweetheart!” my mother called out.

With shaking hands, I unlocked the door, forced a steady voice and welcomed everyone in.

I greeted them before Amelia and Jonathon took off and started telling them where to go, where the bathrooms were, and to help themselves to drinks and snacks.

My heart was racing as more and more families came in.

Old lady Hopkins stopped in front of me and gave me an indifferent look before she finally spoke. “I’m going to check this place from top to bottom!”