“I’d like there to be.”

“No. You don’t get to hurt me like that and come back like it never happened.”

“I’m sorry. I had things to take care of that I didn’t want you to be a part of.”

I gasp. “Like quitting?”

“Yes. I didn’t want any of it to fall onto you. Alby is a vindictive man.” He clears his throat. “I, uh ... I don’t really want to talk this out over the phone.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“So it’s a good thing I’m outside of your door.”


“I was trying to gather the courage to knock, not stalking,” he insists quickly.

I snicker. “Just ... come to the door.”

“Okay.” I hear a strange rustling. “Be there soon.”

A rapping comes on the door. I answer it and laughter bursts free. I can’t see West because of all the balloons he’s holding. A massive white one says ‘I’m sorry I was such a twat’ in permanent marker.

“What in the hell?”

“You love balloons.”

“I do,” I admit, snickering.

He peers from around the floating monstrosity. “Hi.”


“I’m sorry for responding the way I did. You caught me off guard.”

“I won’t say it’s okay. But I can say I could see it from your perspective.”

“The time we spent together in London was the best I’ve had in years. Because anytime we’re together is good. My life feels empty without you. And no, I don’t mean because of the lack of schedule. Though, let’s face it, I’d work straight through the day without you there with your reminders.”

I smile up at him.

“I want you in my life not as an employee but as the woman I care the most about in this world.”

“Weston,” I whisper.

“I know we’re supposed to start off slow and work our way up, but for me we’re already there. I love you. You’re the first person I talk to when I wake up and the last one before bed. I love the way you laugh, how obsessed you are with Korean horror movies, and the way you aren’t afraid to go toe to toe with me if you think I’m wrong. I need you, and I’m hoping that just maybe you need me, too.”

“I love you, Weston.” He closes his eyes and rocks back on his heels. I cup his face. “Were you afraid I didn’t?”


“And you came here anyway and said it first?” I give him a shy smile.

“You’re worth the risk.”

“Kiss him already.”

We glance at Jenay, who’s grinning like the Mad Hatter.