But there was no rule about her kissing him.

“You’re going to love this,” he said, pulling off her sandals.

She shivered. His hands brushed against the hollows of her bare feet, and her mouth went dry. “I’m sure,” she murmured.

He was inches away from her. She could just lean forward and kiss him. Press her lips against his. Could she do it? Was she brave enough?

Kasimir’s blue eyes met hers, and he smiled. She wondered how she’d ever thought him cold in Honolulu. Here, he was warm and bright as the blazing desert sun. “Are you nervous?”

“Yes,” she whispered, praying he couldn’t guess why.

“Don’t be.”

She gave a soft laugh. “That’s easy for you to say.”

He placed her bare feet into the straps attached to the board. Standing up, he grabbed her hands and pulled her upright. Josie swayed a little, getting used to the balance. She hadn’t been on a board in a long time. She tested the sand with a slight lean and twist. Without snow boots, the ankle support was nonexistent. Turning corners would be nearly impossible.

Kasimir stepped into his own modified snowboard, and his arm shot out to grab her when she started to tilt. “Ready?”

She felt a flash of dizzying heat with his hand on her arm. “Yes,” she breathed. “I just need a second to build my courage.”

“So.” He gave her a slow-rising grin. “Are you interested in racing me?”

“Racing?” Josie looked dubiously over the edge of the dune. It wasn’t as steep as some of the mountains she’d snowboarded in Alaska, but that was ten years ago. To say her skills were rusty was an understatement. And boarding down sand was going to be like sailing down a sheet of ice. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

“I thought you said you liked being faster than me.”

“I do.”

“Then racing me should be right up your alley.” His masculine grin turned downright cocky. “I’ll even give you a head start.”

Laughter bubbled up to her lips, barely contained. He clearly believed he would be faster. “Um. Thank you?”

“And if you win, you’ll get a prize.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Your own private tent,” he said recklessly. “For the rest of the time we’re in the Sahara.”

Her lips parted. Somehow that prize didn’t excite her as much as it once would have. “And what about if you win?”

Kasimir looked down at her, and something in his glance made her hold her breath.

“You’ll share my bed,” he said softly, “and let me make love to you.”



Josie’s lips parted, her heart beating frantically as she looked up at him.

Let him make love to her?

She’d been trying to build up enough courage to kiss him. What would it be like to have him make love to her?

With a shuddering breath, she looked up at him. “I thought you said our marriage was in n-name only.”

“I changed my mind,” Kasimir said huskily. “You know I want you. And I’ve come to enjoy your company. There’s no reason we shouldn’t be… friends.”