It was astonishing how his words seemed to go straight to the root of her fears.


‘No. There are no “buts” to that simple truth.’

‘You don’t...?’ Elle swallowed, still not quite certain. ‘You don’t want me to do that for you?’

‘I do not,’ he confirmed firmly. ‘Not when you don’t want to.’

‘Part of me does,’ she whispered sadly, almost by way of apology. But she was surprised to find that abruptly there was a small part of her that really did want to. She dropped her eyes, afraid that she wouldn’t be able to say the words if he was still holding her gaze.

‘Because it’s you.’

Unexpectedly a soft smile chased the darkness from Fitz’s face as he hooked a finger under her chin to force her to look back up at him.

‘Then I hope for you that one day someone, the right guy, will make more than just a part of you feel that comfortable. But for now I suggest we move over to that bed and I show you other ways we can continue this evening.’

His words were bitter-sweet. The realisation that he really wasn’t going to allow this one moment to spoil the rest of the night warred with the reminder that he wasn’t her right guy, he was just her one and only tonight guy.

When had she started to forget that?

She managed a jerky little nod, reminding herself not to get so carried away for the rest of the night, ignoring the voice that whispered that Fitz might have been the ‘right guy’ for her if only she’d been a few months, maybe a year down the road.

The right guy but at completely the wrong time.


Snapping her head back to the present, she tried to remember the last thing he’d said. Something about moving to the bed to continue their evening.

‘I’d like that,’ she managed.

With a satisfied nod Fitz dropped his hand from her chin and then, before she could react, he’d taken her hand and was leading her over to the bed.

‘Then let’s get back to having fun.’ He grinned wickedly at her, lowering his head to hers and kissing her as though the ugly moment had never happened.

Incredibly, the further they got from that vestibule and towards the huge inviting bed in the corner the more her mood started to lift. By the time he’d deposited her on the bed, Elle found it easy to kiss him back, some underlying sense of relief lending her a renewed sense of eagerness. As he stood back to finally slide her lacy briefs down, shucking off the last of his own clothing after discreetly throwing a foil square onto the bed, Elle indulged in her first full view of his beautiful physique. He had a stark male beauty that spoke to her very core. And then there was his proud and impossibly generous erection. Her heart flip-flopped and hunger kicked low in her abdomen. Urgent and primal. He was overwhelming, yet he was staring at her as though she was equally breathtaking. As though he were committing every line of her body, every curve to memory.

‘Stunning,’ he ground out.

His rich, lusty voice seemed to resonate through her very sex, which was still deliciously sensitive after the care he had shown her before. Her long-deflated, crumpled ego began to unfurl and breathe life again.

Tonight might be all they had, but she’d be damned if she wasted it on what-ifs. No, she would thoroughly indulge in every last second of what was left of this night together and then she would hold onto this moment, the memory of this man, for the rest of her life. Pushing herself up onto one elbow, Elle reached for Fitz with a new-found sense of confidence, a warmth spreading though her as he moved onto the bed to join her.

She didn’t want to wait another second.

Chapter Five

FITZ DRANK IN the sight of her, completely naked and laid out on the bed before him looking every bit as enticing and delectable as she had tasted.

‘Stunning,’ he murmured unconsciously.

God help him, she’d felt better than he’d been imagining all evening. Hotter, slicker, tighter. And she was reaching for him as though she couldn’t wait any longer.

‘We’ve got all night,’ he reminded her, scarcely recognising the raw heat of his own voice.

It was immoral that a woman so bright and sexy and alive shouldn’t have been lavished every single day with the kind of attention he’d paid to her arresting body, and the realisation that her ex-fiancé had clearly hurt her in this way filled him with inexplicable rage. Yet at the same time Fitz felt an incongruous burst of triumph that he should be the one to open her eyes to it. That he should have been the one to sweep away her obvious reticence. That he had completely erased from her head her unspoken expectation that he’d somehow end up letting her down.

He wanted to take his time, show her more of how it ought to be between two people, even if it was only for one night. But he didn’t think he could wait any longer. His erection was so rock-solid it was almost painful. He couldn’t remember ever wanting any other woman with such intensity.