‘You don’t like it?’ he said, his scepticism clear.

Elle sighed. She couldn’t hoodwink him, he’d never fall for it. She’d have to offer him something more. Enough truth that he would believe her, not so much that she humiliated herself.

She sucked in a deep breath.

‘In the past I didn’t like it. It...it wasn’t very good.’

‘Ah...’ he murmured, the hard stare instantly softening into something else.

For a fraction of a second, Elle relaxed.

‘But you will enjoy it with me,’ Fitz declared. ‘I can promise you that.’

Before she could move again he hooked her leg over his shoulder and pulled the scrappy fabric to one side, then, locking her in place with his hands on her backside, Fitz simply licked a path to her undoing. Pure, molten heat coursed to Elle’s core. With every practised stroke of his tongue, bubbles of fire exploded in her. Still, his rhythm kept on as though he knew exactly what she needed. As though he enjoyed giving it to her. As though he enjoyed her.

There was no earthly way she could bring herself to move away again and though a faint voice warned her that she would pay for it sooner than she would like, Elle finally let go of her fears and gave herself up to Fitz’s unhurried but unrelenting pace. Expertly bringing her to the brink once. Twice. Then the third time, when she was so wound up with pent-up need, he finally slid his finger deep inside her, his mouth sucking on the very centre of her ache.

Elle fragmented. Her fingers sliding through his hair, her hips bucking of their own accord, she lost herself and cried his name. And still Fitz didn’t stop, driving her on again and again, sending another explosion rolling through her entire body. Finally, when she couldn’t take any more, he eased back and stood up again, his gentle caresses assuring her that they weren’t done yet.

By the time Elle finally started to come down from the incredible high he’d just gifted her, reality had started to kick in. He was going to expect her to return the favour. Part of her knew she would be expected to, but another part of her wanted to hold onto this perfect moment for a little longer. Hold onto the image of a perfect Fitz a little longer. Generous. Unparalleled. Untarnished. She couldn’t bear to see him change into Stevie right before her eyes.

Too bad, she owed him. Right?

‘Still want to tell me you don’t like it?’ he asked mildly, a smile toying with the corners of his mouth. As though he wasn’t waiting for her to perform her new duty.

She felt the flush from her cheeks to her very toes.

‘That was like nothing I’ve ever known before,’ she croaked.

Which was why she really shouldn’t begrudge him.

Elle forced a bright smile to her lips as his head bowed to kiss her neck, ignoring the sensations that were flooding through her anew. Placing her hands flat on his chest, she moved him away and dropped down to her knees, her hands searching for his belt buckle as she went.

‘What are you doing?’

His voice was sharper than she’d expected. She forced a pleasant, even tone to her words.

‘Returning the favour.’


Elle startled as his large hands locked tightly around her wrists and he pulled her back to her feet, forcing her to look at him. His dark look was intimidating.

‘But you did it for me.’ She frowned uncertainly. ‘So now it’s my turn.’

‘That isn’t how it works, Elle.’

She stifled her derision.

‘Of course it is.’

Fitz couldn’t seriously be saying he didn’t expect anything in return. No man would, right?

‘I don’t know how your past relationships—relationship—worked, but that isn’t how it should be.’

His clipped tone caught Elle by surprise, making her insides flutter. Who exactly was he angry with? He was almost glowering as he stared into her eyes. It was as though he could see right into her soul and she found she couldn’t drag her gaze away. The moment seemed to stretch out into eternity. Finally he broke the silence.

‘Sex should never be a chore, Elle. You do things because you want to. You don’t do them because you somehow feel you owe the other person.’