‘Come with you where?’ she asked. ‘Back downstairs? Were you sent to get me?’

‘To Daddy,’ Jamie confirmed.

She couldn’t have said why her chest tightened as it did. There was clearly some plan afoot, but there was no reason for it to make her breath catch in her lungs. Still, Jamie’s cheeky, mischievous grin wound around her and she couldn’t help but laugh.

‘Well, we’d better not keep Daddy waiting, then, had we?’


Together—with Jamie’s hand still fitted snugly into hers—they made their way back down the stairs.

‘You sent for me?’ She grinned wryly as Logan met them at the bottom.

‘I did. I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist Jamie’s charms.’

‘No, well...’ She licked her lips. ‘There’s something I need to...want to tell you.’

‘Us first.’ Jamie jumped up and down, unable to contain his excitement any longer. ‘We have a Christmas gift for you.’

She cast Logan a pleading look, but his expression was surprisingly secretive.

‘Us first,’ he repeated simply.

Then he reached down to the bag and selected another present, dreadfully wrapped in the loveliest dinosaur wrapping paper. Happiness bubbled inside her.

‘It’s beautiful,’ she told Jamie. ‘Thank you.’

And there wasn’t a fibre of her that didn’t mean it.

‘Open it,’ Jamie squeaked, practically beside himself.

She slid her gaze from Jamie to Logan in surprise.



‘Here,’ Logan confirmed quietly.

She couldn’t explain the gleam in his eye. Until she unfolded the wrapping paper.

A larger version of Jamie’s pterodactyl toy peered out at her.

‘It’s a mommy Terrydac,’ the little boy cried out, clearly unable to contain himself any longer. ‘It’s for you. You’re the mummy, I’m the baby.’

Kat tried to answer but it was impossible. Her throat was too constricted and tight. Heat prickled behind her eyes. All she could was nod.

‘You’re crying.’ He wrinkled his nose at her. ‘They are the happy tears? Or the sad tears?’

‘They’re the happy tears.’ She had no idea how she managed to speak.

‘You haven’t seen my gift yet.’ Logan’s rich voice suddenly rumbled in her ear.

She lifted her head to look at him querulously, still not able to trust herself to speak.

‘But before you do, you need to know that from that first moment I spent with you, in that damned treatment room, you made me feel things. Things I’d never felt before. Things I don’t even think I believed I could ever feel.’
