‘Is that an invitation?’

Her heart pounded louder. Harder. This went against every bit of common sense. There was something about Logan Connors that had sneaked under Kat’s skin. Letting him get closer was inviting danger.

But suddenly she wanted it—him—too much to care.

‘It’s an invitation,’ she managed.

And it was all the more thrilling when Logan didn’t ask a second time. He simply bowed his head, gripped her hand that little bit tighter, and led them out of the pavilion so fast that she had to walk-jog to keep up. A gurgle of excitement threatened to spill out of her, and she just about managed to swallow it back down.

No need for him to realise quite how nervous or impatient she felt.

‘Where, exactly?’ he demanded gruffly.

Kat fought to keep her voice low as she gave him the address. Letting him lead her as they dodged through the crowds also pouring back onto the paths now that there was a break in the weather.

She bit her tongue. Was it just her who felt as though they were swimming against the tide, the only two trying to head in a different direction from everybody else?

For fifteen minutes they weaved their way along and then, at last, they were outside Kat’s building. Her whole body trembled. And it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she was rain-soaked and windswept.

Wordlessly, she led him into the lobby, sent silent thanks for the vacant elevator and jabbed her floor button with her finger.

He barely even waited for the doors to close before he backed her into the wall and claimed her mouth with his.

In all her life Kat had never felt so wanton. So daring. She wrapped her arms around his neck and surged against him, pressing her body as close as humanly possible, letting the heat from his body sear into hers.

She forgot that they were both cold and wet through. He warmed her from the inside out. More than that. He scalded her, and she welcomed every single second of it.

His body was so hard. Sculpted and perfect. And she wanted to wrap her body around every single inch of it. She ran her hands up his arms, revelling in the feel of those solid biceps under her palms, exulting in the exquisite pain as her tight nipples chaffed against his chiselled body.

She wanted more. So much more that she was afraid she would never get enough.

The doors pinged open and Logan reluctantly pulled back from her, making Kat realise that she’d never even felt the lift stopping. Hadn’t even realised it had been slowing. She’d been too caught up in this. In Logan.

It should have been the warning she needed. But it wasn’t.

Somehow they made it out of the lift, along the corridor and to her door. She fumbled with the keys a couple of times before he slid the set out of her shaking hands and slid the correct one into the lock. The door opened and they fell inside.

Finally, they were alone. There were no more safety nets. And Kat knew there was nothing left to stop them.

He kissed her. Over and over, demanding and giving, his mouth branding her, his tongue invading her, and she welcomed every second of it. She pressed herself to him again, but this time she found the barrier of their wet clothes to be a hindrance she couldn’t stand. She shivered, partly with the thrill and partly with the cold, and when she dropped to hook her fingers under the hem of his T and began to lift it, he stayed her hands.

‘Logan...’ she protested.

‘I have a better idea.’ He cut her off roughly, a certain thrilling urgency to his voice.

Then he lowered his hands to her bottom and lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his hips. The hardest, most male part of him nestled into the softest part of her, sending an unexpected jolt through her, sending everything suddenly so white hot that Kat gasped.

‘The bedroom’s over that way.’ She had no idea how she managed to speak.

The feel of his shoulder muscles bunching under her fingers was almost too incredible. And then he began to move, carrying her as though she weighed nothing, his mouth never leaving hers.

She wasn’t sure when it occurred to her that he wasn’t in her bedroom but her bathroom, and he was flipping on the shower until steam rose from the all-too-inviting hot water.

‘It isn’t exactly built for two,’ she began.

‘Then it’ll make it all the cosier.’

The look he shot her was nothing short of carnal, and when Kat shivered again she was sure it was for a completely different reason than the cold. He was reaching for her again, kissing her with the same hot intensity as before and stripping them both with such efficiency that she hardly noticed they were naked until he swept her up and carried her into the shower, the hot water like another kind of bliss on her cold, clammy skin.