Straightening her shoulders, she made herself look Logan in the eye.

‘I don’t need a cab, I’m perfectly capable of walking.’

‘Not at this hour,’ he scoffed, but something flashed across his expression.

If she hadn’t known better, she might have thought it was care. Then again, the guy was a decent human being. Just because he didn’t want intimate with her, it didn’t mean he wanted to see her walk the streets alone at night.

‘I only live a short walk away.’ She tried to smooth her tone into something less prickly. ‘The other side of the park.’

‘Far enough for a cab,’ he repeated, and Kat didn’t know if it was the way he moved, or the tone he took, or a combination of the two with something else entirely, but she suddenly discovered that she didn’t much care to argue with him.

There was something utterly focussed about him. Just like when he’d come into the ER on top of the VIP patient, saving his life.

When Logan Connors made a decision, she didn’t imagine he was used to backing down.

She pitied anyone who tried to counter him on that hospital floor.

Kat forced a smile.

‘Fine, a cab sounds like a good idea. Thanks.’

And it gave her a tiny victory that she now knew more about Logan Connors than she suspected he knew about her.



As Logan stepped around the curtain to the consult bay, Kat snapped her head around for a split second, her eyes widening before resuming a professional demeanour in front of her patient.

But he didn’t miss the tell-tale staining of her cheeks, or the way her hands shook, and he hated it that he was the one who’d caused it. He hadn’t meant to hurt her, thought he knew that had been the result.

So, after his loss of control the other night, he had determined to stay away from the temptation that was Kat.

But he hadn’t taken account of them having to work together. The least he could do was keep things strictly professional.

Dragging his eyes from her, he made himself focus on their patient. The guy was clearly in pain, but trying to stay tough. Kat edged a little further around the bed, enabling Logan to see for himself.

‘Dean is twenty-four. He was out in the woods with his mates when stepped on a small animal trap.’

‘It’s bad, man,’ the young man groaned.

‘Yeah, I can see that.’ Logan nodded, moving to assess the guy. ‘I don’t think you’re going to need a surgical consult, but we’re going to need to get it off now. The longer it cuts off circulation, the worse it can be.’

‘Right,’ Kat agreed uncertainly.

‘Keep your hands clear for now, but you’re going to move his foot as soon as it’s free.’ He indicated a part of the trap. ‘I’m going to prise the jaws apart on three. You ready, Dean?’

Dean grunted in some semblance of agreement.

‘Okay, here we go. One. Two. Three.’ He pulled the jaws back and as the patient bellowed in pain, Kat quickly lifted his foot out of the way.

‘Good. Nice,’ Logan announced brightly, after examining the wound. ‘All right, let’s you get you cleaned up, stitched up and out of here, Dean.’

‘What were you doing in the woods anyway?’ Kat asked, keeping his mind distracted as Logan prepped the area.

‘We were going to cut down a Christmas tree, you know? We share a house and money’s tight and, well...’

‘It seemed a good idea at the time?’ Kat asked.