‘Let’s get him to X-Ray.’ She turned to one of the day-care workers. ‘And can you get Logan Connors? He’s probably in Paediatrics now.’

* * *

By the time Logan reached the orthopaedic trauma unit, his heart hammering so hard in his chest that he feared it was going to punch its way right through his ribs, Kat had the situation well in hand and was just finishing up a festive cast on Jamie’s right arm.

‘I’m so sorry, champ.’ He hugged Jamie as carefully as he could, trying to discreetly check his son in the process. ‘I’ve only just got the message.’

‘Look, Daddy, a Christmassy cast.’ Jamie shoved the fractured arm under his nose, his face surprisingly wreathed in a smile.

The fear receded a little, but still he blew out a frustrated sigh as he turned to Kat.

‘I was just around the corner when the girl came in with the message, but no one realised it was me under that damned suit until now.’

‘It’s fine. We’re fine, right, Jamie?’

‘Fine,’ Jamie agreed easily. Kat had evidently worked her usual charm.

On both of them.

‘Though I can see you surreptitiously trying to check him over,’ she commented dryly. ‘He has a physical stress fracture. He tripped over and used his hand to try to save himself. The wrist took the brunt of it and the cast is to help with the pain.’

He raked his hand through his hair.

‘I came as soon as they told me, and I don’t want to leave him, but I haven’t finished the...’

‘Assignment?’ she supplied helpfully as he trailed off, glancing at Jamie, who was admiring the festive red colour of his cast.

It was impossible to tell whether the little boy was listening or not.

‘Right.’ Logan nodded, grateful to her. ‘I ditched the...clothing outside.’

It seemed he was often grateful to her. As well as something else that he was rapidly becoming sick of trying to fight.

‘It’s no problem. I can stay with Jamie.’

‘Thanks.’ His gratitude was evident. ‘I’ll be as quick as I can.’

‘Take your time,’ Kat suggested. ‘Better that you can’t be recognised.’

‘Who can’t be recognised?’ Jamie lifted his head curiously.

Logan told himself it was the earlier fear, and not Kat, that had fuzzed his mind and left him uncharacteristically scrabbling for a quick response.

‘Your superhero daddy,’ Kat improvised, when he wasn’t fast enough.


To his credit, Jamie looked a little confused before he seemed to shrug to himself and carry on with his proud inspection, just as one of the ortho nurses poked her head around the corner.

‘Kat, is this room free?’

‘Yeah, pretty much.’

‘I look like a robot.’ Jamie showed her proudly.

‘Yes, you do,’ the nurse enthused. ‘I think we’ve even got some special festive cast stickers at the nurses’ station. If you want to see, Kat, I can stay here with your patient and start clearing up. Oh...hi, Dr Connors.’

‘Afternoon,’ Logan managed politely, dropping a kiss on his son’s head and casting a grateful glance at Kat. ‘I’ll walk with you.’