A strange sense of victory punched through him. She still wanted to be with him. She just didn’t want the additional complication of Jamie.

It was the wake-up call he hadn’t even realised he’d needed.

He never should have allowed her to become so entangled in his son’s life. He never would have if she hadn’t been the one to have found Jamie that day in the park. Or if she hadn’t brought Terrence to their home that night.

But that was then.

As long as he kept things just to the physical chemistry between them now, they should be okay. And if a tiny part of him whispered that he might want more after all, he was quite prepared to crush it until it was dust.

He’d been there with Sophia—letting his heart rule his head—and look what had happened. How her abandonment could have hurt Jamie. He would never put his son through anything l

ike that again.

Not that he would compare sweet, kind Kat to the charming but calculating Sophia.

Nevertheless, keeping Jamie’s life drama-free had to be his priority. From now on he needed to keep his private life and his family life in separate and distinct compartments. Jamie was his everything. Kat was simply fleeting fun—as she’d just reminded him.

And whilst he shouldn’t have needed the reminder in the first place, he wasn’t prepared to risk blurring those lines again. He would take this one night together then he would let Kat go.

One more night and then he would get back to the real world.

* * *

The pavilion was cold but dry, and they’d been in there for the past five minutes, deliberately not speaking. Kat couldn’t get warm.

She should have walked away when she’d been feeling strong. When the hurt from Logan’s comment about not needing her in his family had still been raw. When it had reminded her of exactly how it had felt to be rejected by Kirk.

Only Kirk was the last person on her mind. It was a shock to realise that she’d barely even thought about how unwanted he’d made her feel ever since she’d met Logan.

It wasn’t the same, she knew that, but being sexually desired by a man like Logan eased any number of perceived scars left by someone like Kirk. So much so that Kat had begun wondering if she had ever really loved her ex-fiancé at all.

Had she stayed with him all those years because she couldn’t imagine her life without Kirk? Or because she couldn’t imagine a life with anyone else?

‘It’s dying down now,’ Logan said suddenly, peering out of the rain-drenched window. ‘We’ll be able to get out of here in a moment.’

But it wouldn’t have mattered if there had been a storm going on out there, it wouldn’t have come close to the one raging inside her right at that moment.

She was still painfully aware of her hand in his. The way his thumb was stroking the back of hers. And that dark, hungry look in his eyes.

Her stomach flip-flopped. He wanted to kiss her, there was no mistaking it. And she, heaven help her, was willing him to.

‘The rain has stopped,’ he murmured, leaning his head in that fraction closer.

Just not quite close enough.

‘Right.’ Her voice felt scratchy.

‘We should leave,’ he gritted out.

Only he wasn’t moving any more than she was.

She couldn’t. She didn’t want to break this moment. Even though it had already been broken. A firework display was going off inside her body right now and suddenly she wanted to be bold. And daring.

‘I live less than half a block away.’

The words were out before she could have second thoughts.

His blue eyes gleamed.