His words were so low, so loaded. They slid over her skin, into her body, down to her core. She couldn’t even answer him.

‘I want to hear the words, Raevenne,’ he growled.

It seemed to Raevenne that she was summoning all her strength to answer him, yet when she eventually spoke she barely recognised the seductive, sensual invitation in her voice.

‘I shouldn’t have to beg you to prove anything to me.’

‘You just did.’ He smirked.

And then he was hauling her to him, her suddenly putty-like body moulding easily against his solid, unyielding one, her arms moving apparently of their own volition to loop around his head, his mouth claiming hers.

Branding her.

His, something whispered through him, after all this time.

But he stamped out the sound and told himself this was just about sex. About giving into a temptation that had haunted him for over a decade. It was nothing more than that.

They both understood that it never could be.


RAW, MASCULINE POWER blasted through Rae, like a towering, cresting wave, and if she didn’t learn to ride it, then she would surely end up drowning in it. He was so much. Too much. She felt intoxicated, reckless, lust-fuelled.

The kiss went on for ever, demanding, insistent, unrelenting. Every slide of his tongue against hers made her body pull in and ache for him.

His hand glided smoothly down her spine, caressing her, and making her tremble. When he trailed his touch over her hips she couldn’t help but shudder, and when he spanned her waist she stopped breathing.

She thrilled to him. To the way he was taking his time, acquainting himself with every inch of her, stoking a fire inside her that she feared would never burn the same way for anyone else. Never had in the past.

Need pooled within her as her nipples grew tighter, strained. She pressed herself harder against the wall of his chest as though that could offer her some relief, but it only heightened the ache. Then he was moving his hand around, his palm against her ribs, his thumb grazing the underside of one breast and she was helpless to swallow back the moan that escaped her lips.


‘We have all night,’ he murmured.

She shifted against him.

‘I don’t think I can last that long.’

She shifted as he hooked his fingers under the hem of her tee, pulling it over head and letting it drop...somewhere... Neither of them cared, her bra quickly following. And then his eyes, greedy and dark, were focussed on her naked chest making her rethink the breasts she’d always thought too heavy, too full, to be attractive.

She didn’t realise she’d voiced as much until he jerked his head to look at her with an incredulous expression.

‘Are you mad,

woman? My God, you are incredible,’ he breathed.

When he said it, she actually considered it might be true. But when he trailed a finger down the generous valley, cupping a breast in each hand as though testing them, worshipping them, before lowering his head to suck one hard nipple into his clever mouth, she knew it to be true.

As his tongue drew lazy swirls over the tight peak, one hand caressed the other, and all Rae could do was drop her head back and arch her body into him, pressing herself into his hands, his mouth. She wanted more, but didn’t really know how to go about getting it.

She should do something. Show Myles how much she wanted him. This time wasn’t going to be like the first time when she’d been with Justin, when she hadn’t known what she should be doing, hadn’t known how to ask for what she wanted.

This was Myles. And she knew exactly what she wanted to be doing. Where she wanted to feel him. The urge was so deep inside her, as if it was meant to be. As if it was right.

Reluctantly, she drew herself back, creating enough of a gap between them that she could divest him of his T-shirt as he’d removed hers. The fact that he let her, that he held himself so still whilst her inexperienced fingers fumbled a few times before succeeding in their task, only helped her to feel more in control. He boosted her confidence without saying a word.

Rae trailed her hands down that incredible torso, her knuckles deliberately grazing every muscle as they went, enjoying the ride, delighting in every sensation that cascaded through her. Until, at last, she was reaching down between them and feeling for his zipper; then there was the deliciously naughty sound of it sliding open, and the shake of her hand as she carefully eased him out.