‘You’re nothing like Justin. Nothing. You didn’t take advantage of me. I was a gullible and foolish eighteen-year-old back then, wanting to believe the first guy, the only guy, to tell me he loved me.’

‘Especially after I’d just made you feel about as desirable as a Christmas sweater knitted by a well-intentioned aunt?’ he offered with a touch of guilt.

‘I’m not trying to make excuses, Myles. I knew I hadn’t imagined the chemistry between us but you seemed to find it so easy to reject me whilst I’d just thrown myself, practically naked, at you.’

‘I was trying to do the right thing.’

‘I’m beginning to understand that. However, I’m a grown woman now. I might not be experienced but I’m also not imprudent enough to be pushed into things I don’t want to do any more.’

Myles raised his eyebrow at her, his dark expression doing little to calm her racing pulse.

‘Except when your brother talks you into having a bodyguard you don’t want?’

She hesitated, then shrugged her shoulders with as much nonchalance as she could muster.

‘Who knows?’

However honest they were being right now with each other, she still wasn’t about to tell him that a traitorous part of her had thrilled at the idea of having Myles in such close proximity again. Contrived or not.

Had it been anyone else, would she have capitulated to Rafe’s request as easily? Or at all?

She had a feeling her response to her brother would have been curter, more direct, and have culminated in her racing out of there before the doors had even closed to the office suite.

‘At least I know I’m not frigid.’ She plastered a bright smile onto her lips.

‘Say again?’

His dark tone had an edge, a sharpness, which she didn’t understand but which dug at her nonetheless.

‘That is... Well, I didn’t feel like I was,’ she stammered. ‘I thought I was quite...responsive?’

‘Why the hell would you think you were frigid?’ Myles demanded.

She wanted the ground to open up right where she stood. A sinkhole that would allow her to escape this new humiliation that she’d brought down on herself.

‘Forget I said anything...’ she began to plead.

‘Did that sleaze call you that?’

What was the matter with her? Drawing attention to all her shortcomings?

‘I wasn’t exactly...as responsive to him as I was with you.’ She echoed her earlier words awkwardly.

‘Because he couldn’t satisfy you he called you names?’ Myles was incredulous and, she realised with a start, angry on her behalf.

It was a heady experience.

‘It was my first time,’ she hedged. ‘But that night with you I wasn’t as bad.’

‘You weren’t bad at anything. Just as you aren’t remotely frigid. He had no right saying that to you.’

‘No. But I’m not exactly...’ She licked her lips. What was the opposite of frigid? ‘Not exactly passionate either, am I?’

‘Oh, but that’s exactly what you are.’

The statement was accompanied with a dark, intense look. Her stomach kicked. Hard.

‘Do you need me to prove it to you?’