He backed them against a wall, her legs still locked around him and one hand still cradling her pert backside, whilst the other explored. His palm grazed her skin as his thumb raked over one taut nipple. She gasped, her eyes slightly hooded, her cheeks slightly pink, but not breaking her gaze from his. He tried it again, and this time she rocked her body so that it pressed harder against him, sending need pulsing all through him.

He cupped her tighter, letting his mouth take over from where his hand had been. His tongue swirling gently around the nipple, revelling in the way her breathing shallowed, then sucking hard until she cried out with pleasure.

* * *

Rae opened her mouth to speak only to find she couldn’t say a word. He was cupping her, her sex chafing on the lacy material that he hadn’t even bothered to remove. She gasped and rocked against him, his palm raking over her wet heat. His eyes not leaving hers, he twisted his hand, and suddenly he was on the other side of the lace, tracing her swollen folds with almost lazy ease. She shivered and moved against him, desperate to intensify the pleasure, but he shifted his hand away, his mouth curling into a teasing smile.

‘I’ll be the one setting the pace, I think, Raevenne, not you.’

And she groaned and gasped, her fingers biting into his solid shoulders, trying to obey him, yearning for him to begin again. The way he was taking his time was like some exquisite torture. It hadn’t been like this her one time before. As if she could go on for ever, yet simultaneously couldn’t wait another second.

As if he could read her mind, Myles drew his finger around her again, but this time, as he closed the pattern, he moved his finger straight across her core, stroking the most sensitive bud. Fast then slow, then fast again, repeating it, deepening it, until she felt dizzy, almost mindless. This time, when she surged against his hand, he didn’t stop. Instead he matched her, pulled her along with him, her body clenching and fizzing and burning with this fire he was building, as his mouth now

paid homage to her neck, his teeth nipping at her earlobes, pressing kisses into the sensitive hollow behind her ear.

Without warning, he moved his hand away, and it took Rae every ounce of strength to lift her head.

‘Don’t stop,’ she gasped, not realising she’d uttered the words until Myles answered her. His voice was thick with desire, his thumb pressed to his lips.

‘I have no intention of stopping.’


‘I have no intention of this night ending any time soon.’

Suddenly his hand was back, his cold thumb pad taking up where his fingers had left off, the pace every bit as powerful, as intense as before. The sensations were cresting now, threatening to crash down over her, like nothing she’d ever known before. She was gripping his shoulders tighter, barely recognising the sounds escaping her as she began to buck against his hand. And as everything began to explode in her head, throughout her body, he slid his finger inside her, then another, his thumb maintaining the deliciously punishing pace. Rae shattered.

She was only half aware of burying her head in his shoulder to keep from crying out his name so loudly that anyone outside her room might hear. And still Myles didn’t stop. Without warning, he twisted his wrist and the last of the explosions sounded in her head, and then she was soaring and tumbling, and there was silence. Pure, blissful silence.

She finally came back to herself to find him watching her. The unguarded look in his eyes pierced straight through her, making her heart do strange looping things in her chest.

You’re falling for him, you little idiot.

The voice sounded remarkably like the sharp, bitter mocking of any one of her sisters.

You’re a fool if you think this is anything more than just sex to him.

She blanched, hating it, and tried to thrust it aside. But not quickly enough, it seemed, and before she could think twice she was bracing against him, pulling away.

‘Rae.’ The warning was unmistakeable, but she pretended she couldn’t hear it.

She couldn’t afford to hear it.

She wanted him inside her. So much that it was almost painful. She wanted him to take her, to show her all the things she’d read about, heard about, but which Justin had ruined for her. The reason why she couldn’t bring herself to utter the words aloud, however much they hovered on her lips, or hummed through her body.

‘Is that it?’ she heard herself demand, her cool, brittle voice nothing she’d ever sounded like before. ‘The best you’ve got?’

‘Say again?’

Something dark and lethal moved between them but she only jerked her head up higher and ignored it. There was no other way. She couldn’t have sex with Myles. If that was how much he made her come apart just from touching her, if that was how easy it had been to break her defences and remember just how much she’d loved him in her girlish, naïve way, then she could only imagine how intense it would be to have full-on sex with him.

She couldn’t risk it. She couldn’t be hurt again by him.

Not like last time.

‘I must say, I’ve had better.’ Every word scratched inside her. ‘I was expecting more from you.’

‘What the hell kind of game are you playing, Raevenne?’