For a long moment Janet considered it. Her mind working on one problem whilst her hands worked on another. The biggest concern was that their patient was going to start bleeding into her uterus.

‘Go,’ she urged Bridget abruptly. ‘Speak to the OC. If he agrees, we’ll leave straight away.’

Stepping outside, it took a mercifully short time for her to locate Hayden, engaged in discussion with one of his men, a set of plans in front of them.

Hayden was poring over a map when Bridget called his name.

It was probably a good job, as his mind was so active that he couldn’t have seen a single contour line or feature if it had leapt up and engaged him in a fist fight.

He made himself turn slowly, willing the few days away to have dulled his irrational reactions to her. But when he saw the expression on her face, everything else dissipated.

‘What’s wrong?’ he demanded. ‘What do you need?’

‘We’ve an emergency,’ she told him without preamble. ‘A young mother we have to get to the main hospital in Rejupe for immediate surgery. We’ve requested a transfer, but the helicopter is already on site elsewhere.’

‘So you need us to head out along the route and lay any bridges or sections to ensure you get a smooth run?’ he surmised.

‘It would save us hours and ensure our safety.’

‘And the patient?’

She looked him straight in the eye, causing that habitual flare of electricity.

He stamped it out.

‘We can carry her in the back of a one of our four-by-fours, but we’re going to have to carry mobile monitoring equipment, rig up some kind of pole for the IV, and ensure she has a medical escort with her as well as a driver. That means needing room and, more importantly, tying up two of our staff.’

‘I’ll give you a couple of drivers and a four-tonner,’ he said without preamble.

‘Thank you.’

He glanced quickly at his watch ‘When do you want to go?’

‘As soon as possible. The longer we wait, the more chance she will bleed out into her uterus. We just need to get a medication pack for transport and make any last-minute infusion changes.’

‘Who is the medical escort? A local nurse?’

He didn’t know why he asked. It wasn’t as though it made any difference.

‘I don’t know,’ she replied, but there was the faintest hint of a blush under her tanned cheeks. Not that he knew what that meant. ‘Probably a local, yes. Though it should be someone who can handle a critical care situation like this, and who will know how to deal with any possible complication that may arise en route. But we can’t spare any of the doctors. They’re all needed here.’

‘Sort your medication pack, I’ll jury rig a pole for your IV line to the canopy of the four-tonner. When you’re ready to bring your patient out, my guys will come and carry your stretcher.’

‘Understood,’ she confirmed. ‘Thanks.’

And then she was gone, and he was striding to the mess tent to find his second-in-command, to hand over command. Logically, he didn’t need to go. But a trip to Rejupe camp would be a good opportunity to get the lie of the land, especially as it was a main site.

And that was the only reason, he told himself obstinately.

‘Hey, Dean, just need to brief you,’ he stated, walking into the ops post.

‘What’s up?’ Dean asked, looking up and seeing he was alone.

‘The charity has just asked us to assist with a cas-evac to Rejupe. I’m going to need a four-tonner and driver for the patient and medical escort, along with their mobile monitoring equipment. Also, an MGB on a DROPS, with an eight-man team.’

The DROPS would be the perfect vehicle to carry the Medium Girder Bridge.

‘What’s the lead time?’ Dean asked, already going through his task sheets.